SrI ANDAL samEta SrI rangamannAr tiruvadigaLE SaraNam
ciRRil cidaiyEl -- Do not destroy our small houses
Verse 2.7: bEda na~ngu aRivArgaL
A. Translation
godai is now angry with kaNNan: "You built a marvelous bridge (sEtu bandhanam) across the ocean. The whole world is aware of all your feats. Such a great warrior, you are trying to show off your valor before us, who are innocent small kids and destroy our ciRRIl! Is this right? It makes sense if you fight with your equals! On the name of your wives, please do not destroy our ciRRil!"
bEda na~ngu aRIvArgaLODu ivai pESinAl Suvai yAdum onRaRiyAda piLLaigalOm nI nalinden payan? OdamAk kaDal vaNNanE! un maNaVaTTimAroDu SUzhaRUm sEtu bandham tiruttinAi! e~ngaL ciRRil vandu cidaiyElEB. Some additional thoughts:
It is interesting that ANDAL talks about kaNNan's "double meanings" - bedam....pESinAl, but she herself seems to be talking with double meaning here. On the one hand she is talking about the rAmA incarnation - setu bandhanam, where He is known for His eka patni vratam, but then refers to His "many wives" - maNavATTimAroDu. The implication is also that if He has to destroy the small sand houses, He can as well go and destroy His setu which is also made of sand (rocks) instead.
sarvam SrIman nArAyaNAyEti samarpayAmi.
Kalyani Krishnamachari
Mani Varadarajan Last modified: Tue Sep 22 17:48:26 PDT