SrI ANDAL samEta SrI rangamannAr tiruvadigaLE SaraNam
ciRRil cidaiyEl -- Do not destroy our small houses
Verse 2.6: muRRilAda piLLaigaLom
A. Translation
"Oh, the great raghuvIrA, who built the bridge across the ocean and made a battle ground of SrI LankA. These acts of yours, where you make the excuse of destroying our ciRRil, must have some inner reason for sure. However, we are too young to understand these hidden meanings. So please don't disturb us".
muRRilAda piLLaigaLom mulai pOndilAdOmai nADoRum ciRRil mEliTTuk koNDu nI ciRiduNDu tiNNena nAmadu kaRRIlOm kaDalai adaiTTu arakkar kulangaLai muRRavum ceRRu ilangaiyai pUSal Akkiya SevakA! emmai vAdiyEl!B. Some additional thoughts:
ANDAL suggests that it was okay for Him to create a battleground in SrI Lanka where there were enemies, but asks KaNNan why He is starting a battle with them who are His friends. She says "You have already exhibited your valor by battling the evil but powerful rAvaNa and slaying him; for you to come and start a battle with us who are just young girls who are not even grown up yet, does not sound right. So leave us alone!".
sarvam SrIman nArAyaNAyEti samarpayAmi.
Kalyani Krishnamachari
Mani Varadarajan Last modified: Tue Sep 22 17:48:26 PDT