SrI ANDAL samEta SrI rangamannAr tiruvadigaLE SaraNam
ciRRil cidaiyEl -- Do not destroy our small houses
Verse 2.5: veLLai nuN maNal
A. Translation
Oh mischievous mAdhava! kESava! Even though you are destroying the beautiful designs we made in the streets with white-hued silt, and even though we may feel sad about it, we will not get angry with you. When we think of looking at your eyes with anger, we become absorbed with the beauty of your eyes and forget our anger, with our hearts melting with love for you. The eyes you have on your face are not normal eyes! How can we get infuriated with you after we see your wonderful eyes?
veLLai nuN maNal koNdu ciRRil vicittirap paDa vEEdi vAit teLLi nA~ngaL izhaitta kOlam azhittiyAgilum un tan mEl uLLam ODi urugal allAl urODam onRum ilOm kaNDai kaLLa mAdhavA! keSavA! un mugattana kaNgaL allavEB. Some additional thoughts:
The words "vicittirapppaDa nA~ngaL izhaitta" from ANDAL indicate that she is thinking of His vicittiram of creation etc. (Do you think You are the only one who can do this vicittiram? We can do, too.) The reference to "un mugattana kaNgal allavE" suggests that ANDAL is asking Him why He is not enjoying the beauty of her wonderful creation (ciRRil) but instead, destroying it. SrI PVP also explains that His are not normal eyes like others', but these are the eyes that hook anyone to Him and make them fall at His feet. He gives reference to nAcciAr tirumozhi 14-4, which we will see later - kamalak kaN ennum neDum kayiRu - His eyes are like the rope which drag His devotee to Him.
sarvam SrIman nArAyaNAyEti samarpayAmi.
Kalyani Krishnamachari
Mani Varadarajan Last modified: Tue Sep 22 17:48:26 PDT