SrI ANDAL samEta SrI rangamannAr tiruvadigaLE SaraNam
kAmanai vENDudal -- Praying to the god of Love
Verse 6: uruvuDaiyAr iLaiyArgaL
A. The translation from SrImAn SaDagopan's tamizh treatise.
Thus, ANDAL kept conversing with manmathan, and days rolled by. The month of mAsi (mid-Feb. to mid-March) was over, and the month of pa~nguni (mid-March to mid-April) had already arrived. The 45-day maNDala pUjA that she started for kAmadevan was over already and she had not yet been blessed with the union with her kaNNan by kAman. Godai suddenty gets a doubt - May be all these poojAs that I did for manmathan in my capacity as a girl, were flawed and were not done by following the proper rules. If I had done them properly, manmathan would have united me with kaNNan by now. I don't even know where kaNNan is. I might have missed certain pooja rules, because I am a small girl. I will seek the advice of those with expertise in kAma SAstrA so that they can advise me on the proper procedures as laid in the SAstra-s to achieve my ishta kAmya prApti (getting my desires fulfilled). Those experts would be young people with a beauty that even you would admire. With their blessings, I will pray to you with a clear mind on this day of uttara star in panguni month. Oh manmathA! in return for my vratam, please make the beautiful, red lotus-like eyes of my lover (whose appearance is like the dark clouds of the rainy season and whose color is like that of kAyAmpoo and who has the brilliance of kAkkaNampoo), turn towards me and bless me.
uru uDaiyAr iLaiyArgaL nallAr Ottu vallArgaLaik konDu vaigal teruviDai edir koNDu pa~nguni nAL tirundavE nORkinREn kAmadevA karuvuDai mugil vaNNan kAyA vaNNan karuviLai pOl vaNNan kamala vaNNat tiruvuDai mugattinil tirukkaNgaLAl tirundavE nokku enakku aruL kaNDAiB. Some additional thoughts:
Just as those who seek bhagavt-guNa anubhavam seek the guidance of those who are sAttvic in nature, ANDAL seeks the help of the experts in kAma-SAstra to seek the blessings of kAman who is the expression of rajO-guNa. ANDAL describes His brilliance which removes the darkness from the innermost corners of our minds. She is asking kAman to ensure that kaNNan just does not just turn His eyes towards her like someone surveying a beautiful garden, but looks at her with the special katAksham - that of bhagavAn who longs to have the darSanam of His bhakta; it is not just that ANDAL wants to have His darSanam, but it is also that bhagavAn longs for the union with His devotee.
sarvam SrIman nArAyaNAyEti samarpayAmi.
Kalyani Krishnamachari
Mani Varadarajan Last modified: Wed Sep 16 16:40:18 PDT