SrI ANDAL samEta SrI rangamannAr tiruvadigaLE SaraNam
ciRRil cidaiyEl -- Do not destroy our small houses
Verse 2.9: muRRattUDu pugundu
A. Translation
"You didn't stop with destroying our ciRRil; you entered into the inside of our house (muRRam) and showing your sweet face to us with a smile, destroyed our hearts also; oh govinda, who measured with one foot, this whole world and with another, all the upper worlds! Wouldn't the folks in the house talk bad of us if they find out you embraced us and kissed us?"
muRRattUDu pugundu nin mugam kATTi punmuRuval Seydu ciRRilODu engaL cinTaiyum Sidaikka kaDavaiyO gOvinDA muRRa maNNiDam tAvi viNNURa nINDu aLandu koNDAi emmaip- paRRi meip-piNakkiTTakkAl indap pakkam ninRavar en SollAr?B. Some additional thoughts:
ANDAL is pointing out to kaNNan that just as He pushed mahAbali into the pAtALa lokam after he gave the three feet of land to vAmana, He is going to get them in trouble after hugging them if their mothers find out. [SrI PVP]
sarvam SrIman nArAyaNAyEti samarpayAmi.
Kalyani Krishnamachari
Mani Varadarajan Last modified: Tue Sep 22 18:08:31 PDT