Dharma & Prapatti

From the Bhakti List Archives

• Mon Sep 30 1996 - 22:08:09 PDT

---------------------------begin Sadagopan's quote
The eigtheenth sloka of Nyasa Dasakam is the basis of  my
comments . That is elaborated further in the work of Swami
Desikan known as Rahasya Virodha Parihaaram , the last work
of Swami Desikan to clarify some doubts that we may have on
the concepts covered in his RTS . 

The 18 th slokam says: 'The utterance of the  word SaraNam in the 
prescribed manner (Prapatthi ) is capable of securing all desired 
Sarva Phala Saadhanam ( all Purusharthams including Dharma ). 
This is because Prapatthi is Sarva Phala Pradhanam 
and is capable of giving the fruits of Yagas and 
Yajnas including Pitru Yajnas.This applies to ALL 
independent of sex , creed et al. 

The capacity of Prapatthi to secure all kinds of desired ends 
is dealt with at length in RTS. It is appropriate however to state
that the Prapanna in the Post-Prapatthi period has some dharmas 
prescribed by the Vedas to follow that are discussed in detail in
the different sections of RTS and particularly in the 17th chapter
known as Saastriya Niyamanaadhikaaram. 

--------------------------end quote

To further this interesting discussion, I would like to present  the 
view of Dharma as presented in Mumuksupatti.  I quote, once again, 
from Mumme's translation of the text that includes 
Manavalamamunigal's commentary.  The area of discussion is the 
definition of Dharma as it pertains to "Sarvadharmaan Parityaja" in 
the Carama Sloka:

--------------------begin quote
Sutram 197 (Manavalamamunigal's commentary): a Dharma is something 
which possesses an authoritative injunction which directs one to do 
it.  Thus the aforementioned dharmas refer to all the upayas which 
have been enjoined on the authority of Sruti and Smriti and which 
have the form of such things as daily and occassional duties.

Sutram 198 (Manavalamamunigal's commentary): These things ought to be 
referred to as "adharma" because they are contrary to the soul's aim, 
extreme dependence on the Lord....
---------------------end quote
It is apparent that, from the context of Lokacharya's and 
Manavalamunigal's view, whether the three debts are fulfilled or not 
would not really matter to the Prapanna, as this concern would be in 
contradistinction to the soul's essential nature as being completely 
dependent upon the Lord.   Consequently, through Prapatti, the need 
for to fulfill the three debts becomes moot by one's complete 
reliance on the Lord's Grace Alone.

Daasanu Daasan, 
