Musings on Raghuveera Gadhyam-Part 6 (Bala Khandam )
From the Bhakti List Archives
V. Sadagopan • Sat Sep 28 1996 - 05:19:31 PDT
8 . KOWMAARA KELI GOPAAYITHA KOUSIKAADHWARA ! Hail to Thee who protected the yagam of Sage Viswamitra as if it were a child's play ! Here Swami Desikan pays tribute to the extraordinary valor of Sri Raghavan even as a small boy. He destroyed the mighty foes of Sage Viswamitra (the Rakshasas and their leaders , Maricha and Subahu ) with effortless ease , when they interfered with the performance of the sage's Yagam at his hermitage.He sent Maricha spinning in the sky over enormous distance and dumped him inot the ocean and yet spared his life this time .He killed the other demon Subahu. Sri Rama constructed a canopy of arrows over the site of the Yagam . Kamban the Illustrious Tamil poet describes the valor of Sri Rama this way : MAnniNAI KAAKINRA MANNAN MAINDHARGAL KAnnINAI KAAKINRA IMAYIN KAATTHANAR ( The sons of the emperor Dasaratha , who protects the citizens of the earth protected the Yagam of Sage Viswamitra like the eye lids protect the eyes). This act of valor led Sage Viswamitra to praise Sri Rama this way : " I stand accomplished of my purpose (Kruthaarthosmi ), O mighty -armed (Maha Baaho ) and highly illustrious hero, in that the bidding of your Guru (me) has been carried out by you(Valmiki Ramayanam Sargam 30.26). Kamban salutes Sri Rama as Sundara Villi (the beautiful one , who handled his bow Kothandam to protect the sacred six day Yajnam of the inhabitants of Siddhasramam and Viswamitra) . Saint Thyagaraja who offered his Satva Sangeetham as his Naivedyam to this Raghuveeran all his breathing moments sang the praise of the lord in one of his Bowli Divya nama krithis: DEENA JANAAVANA SRI RAMA DAANVA HARAnA SRI RAMA NIRMALA HRUDHAYA SRI RAMA KAARMUKHA BAAnA SRI RAMA RAGHU KULA TILAKA SRI RAMA BRIGHU SUTHA RUPA SRI RAMA DASAMUKA MARDHANA SRI RAMA SIDDHAJANA PRIYA SRI RAMA PRASIDDHA CHARITRA SRI RAMA In the last two lines of the salutation , the saint pays tribute to Sri Rama of clebrated fame as the one dear to the residents of Siddhaasramam (Tapovanam where Vishnu once did penance ) In another song , Saint Thyagaraja sitting at he banks of the river Cauveri at Thiruvayyaru saw with his inner eye (JyanakkaN ) the beauty of the heroic Rama hurling Maricha into the ocean with his arrow (Maanavaasthram ). Our Sadguru enjoys this scene in his Madhyamaavathi krithi: ALAGALALLA LAATAKAGANIYAARANMINI YETU PONGENOH CHELUVUMEERAGANU MAARICHUNI MADHAMANATHSU VELA Sage Viswamitra's joy is shared and experienced by Saint of Thiruvayyaru here. He says: Oh , How must have the heart of Sage Viswamira leaped with joy at the sight of the effortless heroism of Sri Rama when he destroyed the haughtiness of Maaricha . At that time this Sundara Villis' face had no strain or pressure or marks of strain(Vikaaram ).He looked so beautiful during this effort of a mighty heroic nature . Swami Desikan celebrated with this Gadhya portion , the heroism of the young boy Rama , who completed the assigned task as if it was a child's game and received the gratitude of Sage Viswamitra and the residents of Siddhaasramam . Sri Raghu Veera Parabrahmaneh Nama :
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