Sri Raghu Veera Gadhyam--Part 4(BalaKhandam )
From the Bhakti List Archives
V. Sadagopan • Wed Sep 25 1996 - 19:09:04 PDT
5. DINAKARA KULA KAMALA DIWAKARA ! Hail to thee , who is the Sun for the lotus of Surya Vamsam! The Sun makes all the lotuses of the world blossom , as it rises on the eastern horizon. Sri Rama was born in the solar race(Surya Vamsam). That Vamsam is proud to have had Sri Rama as its illustrious scion and shines with beauty just like a blossoming lotus in the morning at the sight of the rising Sun(birth of the Lord).. . Swami Desikan equates here the Surya Vamsam to that of a joyous lotus blossoming over the warm thought of having Sri Rama as one of its most famous descendant . Sri Rama is recognized as the Divine Sun that makes the lotus of Surya Kulam blossom . Saint Thyagaraja revered as the incarnation of Adi Kavi Valmiki chose Suryakantam as a Ragam to set his Krithi " Muddu Momu ", where he has a reference to the lustre of Sri Ramachandra's face. He says respectfully :" The Lord's face shone forth with the Tejas of the Sun and was yet, as it always was , captivating like the moon in its Kanthi , a rare combination indeed ". He continues on and points out that the all-comprehensive beauty of Sri Rama confounds the devotees , since they are not able to concentrate on any aspect of the Lord's beauty by the fact that every aspect is equally fascinating. Saint Thyagaraja and other Rama Bhakthas following the tradition of Swami Desikan has saluted the Surya Vamsam in their salutations. Two additional examples that come to one's mind from Saint Thyagaraja's euology of Sri Rama as the scion of Surya Vamsam are : DINAMANI VAMSA TILAKA LAAVANYA ! DHEENA SARANYA! (Raga Hari Kambhoji ) and KAMALAABHDHA KULA KALASAABHDHI CHANDRA (Raga Brindavana Saarangaa) . In the last krithi , the poetic fancy of the Saint goes one step further . He says : O Lord, who is the scion of the race of SUN, who is the friend of Lotus ! You (in your captivating nature ) is the moon to the milky ocean, which rises with joy at the sight of your moon-like countenance. One hears the echo of Saint Thyagaraja's above slautation in Sri Dikshithar's Manirangu krithi, Maamava Pattabhi Rama in the Charana Vakhyam: PANKAJA MITRA VAMSA SUDHAAMBHUDHI CHANDRA MEDHINI PAALA RAMACHANDRA ". Here , Sri Dikshithar salutes Sri Pattabhi Rama as the scion of the race that is the friend of the lotus ; he equates that captivating ruler of the world , Rama to the moon that lifts up the milky ocean . The central tribute in all these salutations is to Sri Rama's birth in the Surya Vamsam as its crest jewel (Siroratnam or Tilakam ). 6 . DIVISHADHIPATHI RANA SAHACHARANA CHATURA DASARATHA CHARAMA RUNA VIMOCHANA ! Hail to thee O Lord , who through your birth liquidated the third debt of your father Dasaratha , who was famous for his help to Indra in his battles with Asuraas ! Here the reference is to the name of our Lord's father , Dasaratha. His valour in driving his chariot in all the ten directions to chase the enemies of Indra and to come to the rescue of Indra earned him the name Dasaratha (Dasasu Dikshu Aprathihata Ratha :). Like all mortals , he had the three debts to discharge. Emperor Dasaratha liquidated two of the three debts (viz) , debt to Munis through Veda Adhyayanam and debt to the Devas through performance of Yajnaas. One debt however stood out without being liquidated (viz), debt to the Pitrus . When our Lord incarnated as the son of Dasaratha , the last debt was destroyed . Hence, our Lord Ramachandra is saluted here as " Dasaratha Charama Runa Vimochana" . (To Be continued ) .
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