Re: size of soul
From the Bhakti List Archives
Unknown Sender • Thu Sep 19 1996 - 10:23:42 PDT
Vidyasankar writes: "... it has to be described as all-pervading, i.e. infinite in nature." Couple of questions: 1. Pervading implies something to be pervaded. What does brahman pervade? 2. What does "infinite" mean in the sense of advaita? does it mean that the atman cannot be described in terms of space, and hence, for a lack of a better word, "infinite" is used to characterize Brahman? I realize that this might get deeply into the "neti, neti," but I would be interested in getting a birdseye summary of the use of the negative in characterizing Brahman (i.e. in terms of what it is not, rather than what it is). 3. If the notion of size cannot be ascribed to Brahman, why then does the Tait. Upanishad specifically mention "size" (or lack thereof) in its characterizationof brahman (viz. satyam-jnanam-anantam Brahma)? It seems that the upanishad is quite hung up over the relative dimension of Brahman. Out out curiosity, does Sruti mention anything about the "color" of Brahman (or its lack thereof)? I do recall reading something to this effect, but I am not sure if it is in a commentary, or is part of Sruti? However, it clearly is not in the Tait. Upan. Thus, it is very interesting that the portion of the scripture that deals directly with the nature of Brahman, does not address Brahman's color. It would seem to me that our ancient rishis viewed sky as essentially infinite in extent, but yet it possessed color. It would thus seem to me that our ancient philsophers would be tempted to treat color and space as distinct and independent attributes (at the phenomenal level). sk
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