Re: Question re: Gaudapada Karikas.

From the Bhakti List Archives

• Wed Sep 11 1996 - 12:09:30 PDT

This is an interesting question.  I do not have a complete answer. I thought
I could share some thoughts regarding this.  In the Mandukya upanishad
bhasyas I had from "Ranga Ramanuja" and a gloss from "Uttamoor Veera
Raghavacharya", I found a statement in sanskrit which translates to:

"What Sankara school considers to be the work of Gaudapada (Gaudapada
Karika) is considered by Madhva school as Sruti.  Taking a similar view,
Kura Narayana one of the Visistadvaitic teachers also accept that the
portion (or whole) of karika as sruti.  

But the surprising fact is that in that "bhasya of Mandukya" by Ranga
Ramanuja, only the 4 chapters of Mandukya is explained without reference to
karikas.  This makes me think that even though some visistadvaita scholars
agreed with Madhva, probably the a majority of the rest do not agree that
those karikas are sruti. 

I am not sure about sribhasya. I have to check it.  when I get time......  I
know for sure that Ramanuja quotes from the Karikas in other portions of the
Sribhasya : the famous statement " anadi mayaya suptho yadaa jeevo
prabhudyate...." or some thing like that.  This, I have heard Dr. N.S
Anantha rangachar state in his lectures on Sribhasya.



At 11:02 PM 9/9/96 -0700, you wrote:
>I have a question regarding the gauDapAda kArikAs attached to the mANDUkya
>upanishad, that I hope some learned member of this list can clarify. 
>I have been told that in the SrI bhAshya, Sri Ramanuja cites kArikA 1.16,
>prefacing the quote with the words: "jIvasyaiva hi nirodha.h SrUyate."
>Does this mean that he is giving to this quotation the authority of
>To place the question in context, the advaita school considers all the
>kArikAs to be the composition of gauDapAda. Hence they are not included
>under the term Sruti. On the other hand, the dvaita school of Madhva
>considers the first 27 kArikAs to be Sruti, i.e. not composed by a human
>author. Is a definitive position on this taken by any of the leading
>authors of viSishTAdvaita texts? The seSvara mImAm.sA text of Sri Vedanta
>Desika perhaps? 
>S. Vidyasankar
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