Re: Question re: Gaudapada Karikas.
From the Bhakti List Archives
Krishna Kalale • Wed Sep 11 1996 - 12:09:30 PDT
This is an interesting question. I do not have a complete answer. I thought I could share some thoughts regarding this. In the Mandukya upanishad bhasyas I had from "Ranga Ramanuja" and a gloss from "Uttamoor Veera Raghavacharya", I found a statement in sanskrit which translates to: "What Sankara school considers to be the work of Gaudapada (Gaudapada Karika) is considered by Madhva school as Sruti. Taking a similar view, Kura Narayana one of the Visistadvaitic teachers also accept that the portion (or whole) of karika as sruti. " But the surprising fact is that in that "bhasya of Mandukya" by Ranga Ramanuja, only the 4 chapters of Mandukya is explained without reference to karikas. This makes me think that even though some visistadvaita scholars agreed with Madhva, probably the a majority of the rest do not agree that those karikas are sruti. I am not sure about sribhasya. I have to check it. when I get time...... I know for sure that Ramanuja quotes from the Karikas in other portions of the Sribhasya : the famous statement " anadi mayaya suptho yadaa jeevo prabhudyate...." or some thing like that. This, I have heard Dr. N.S Anantha rangachar state in his lectures on Sribhasya. Krishna Krishna At 11:02 PM 9/9/96 -0700, you wrote: > >I have a question regarding the gauDapAda kArikAs attached to the mANDUkya >upanishad, that I hope some learned member of this list can clarify. > >I have been told that in the SrI bhAshya, Sri Ramanuja cites kArikA 1.16, >prefacing the quote with the words: "jIvasyaiva hi nirodha.h SrUyate." >Does this mean that he is giving to this quotation the authority of >Sruti? > >To place the question in context, the advaita school considers all the >kArikAs to be the composition of gauDapAda. Hence they are not included >under the term Sruti. On the other hand, the dvaita school of Madhva >considers the first 27 kArikAs to be Sruti, i.e. not composed by a human >author. Is a definitive position on this taken by any of the leading >authors of viSishTAdvaita texts? The seSvara mImAm.sA text of Sri Vedanta >Desika perhaps? > >Regards, > >S. Vidyasankar > > > > > Krishna Kalale 619-658-5612 (phone) 619-658-2115 (fax)
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