From the Bhakti List Archives
MR MOHAN R SAGAR • Tue Sep 10 1996 - 19:14:49 PDT
To: Prapatti Subject: Intro Alwar Emperumaanaar Jeear Thiruvadigale Saranam My compliments to all of you on the enlightening and thought provoking discussions about our Sampradayam and the glories of our Lord. As many of you have contributed intros, I thought I would begin with the same. My name is Mohan Raghavan, and I am an engineer with the State of Colorado Department of Transportation. I am originally from Madras, but was raised here in the US. I am married, and my wife and I share a home with my parents in a suburb of Denver. Although hailing from a SriVaishnava family, my parents raised me in an ecclectic Hindu environment. Consequently, I have been exposed to a number of traditions and philosophies, I first became interested in SriVaishnavism over a decade ago, soon after my poonal and samasrayanam. As direct involvement in SriVaishnavism was limited until recently, most of my exposure to our traditions was through reading English works on the subject and through many questions to my parents. Along with my Civil Engineering background, I have done some studies in cultural anthropology and comparitive religion. I hope to utilize some of this background in participating in this group. I look forward to the insight and wisdom I will gain from all of you. Daasanu Daasan, Mohan Raghavan E-mail:
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