[sv-rituals] Some observations on sandhyAvandana - 2
From the Bhakti List Archives
Mani Varadarajan • Mon May 13 2002 - 00:08:04 PDT
Respected Bhagavatas, Bodhayana Maharshi begins his discussion of sandhyAvandana with the words 'athAtaH sandhyopAsanavidhim vyAkhyAsyAmaH' -- 'Thus, we will now comment on the rules concerning the sandhya meditation.' [B. Dh. Su. 2.4.7.x ] Sutra 2 specifies that one must be pure externally before commencing this ritual. Specifically, one must have clean hands and feet (pAda-pANi-prakshAlanam) and one must perform Acamanam. I know from reading this that my father's repeated command to have me wash my hands and feet before doing my sandhyA was not just an expression of punctiliousness but an ancient mandate handed down by the revered Bodhayana himself! Then comes a discussion of what mantras one should use to purify oneself. The sUtra is: surabhi-maty-ab-lingAbhir-vAruNIbhiH - hiraNya-varNAbhiH pAvamAnIbhiH - vyAhRtIbhir anyaiS ca pavitrair AtmAnam prokshya prayate bhavati | This is pretty cryptic but thankfully the commentary makes everything clear. I'll get to the exact meaning of the sUtra in a little bit, but first, an interesting observation. The way the sUtras have flowed to this point, the purification mentioned in the prokshaNam appears to be thought of as an extension of the initial Acamanam. In other words, the Acamanam process seems to include the recitation of these mantras and prokshanam. It is mentioned in the commentary that this removes the pApa-s or sins caused by the organs and those sins which reside within oneself. What I gather is that while we wash our hands and feet for external purity, this prokshaNa to the accompaniment of meditation on these mantras cleanses the inside and gives us internal purity. Now, a discussion of these words of the sUtra: 1) 'surabhi-mati' refers to to the 'dadhikrAvNNaH' Rk which contains the word 'surabhi' (surabhi no mukhAkarat). 2) 'ab-lingAH' begins with the word 'ap' which means water. This refers to the 'Apo hi shThA' mantra and succeeding Rks. 3) 'vAruNyaH' refers to the 3 Rks beginning with 'yac ciddhi te viSo yathA' addressed to Varuna. Or, one may also include 'imam me varuNa' (found in our sAyam sandhyA upasthAna) preceded be 'ava te heDa:' (?). [ Interestingly, no one that I know recites these mantras during the prokshaNa. I will speculate on the reason for their mention a little later and hope others can provide some thoughts as well. ] 4) 'hiraNyavarNAH' - 4 Rks beginning with 'hiraNyavarNa SucayaS ca' 5) 'pAvamAnyaH' - the 'pavamAnaH suvarcanaH' anuvAka (Is this the pavamAna sUktam?) The next sUtra states that dvijas, the twice-born, must use these mantras for prokshaNam. Now, some speculation: so far, the sandhyA process described by Bodhayana appears to include the snAna (ritualized bathing). The mention of the varuNa and hiraNyavarNa Rks and the pavamana-sUkta can only be explained in this manner. These latter mantras, as far as I understand, are prescribed for use in later shastras for snAna. My guess is that Bodhayana has begun to expound the mAdhyAhnika sandhyA, and has implicitly included the mAdhyAhnika snAna (performed by the orthodox in the "good old days") which immediately precedes the sandhyA. This is the only way these sUtras make sense to me. Unfortunately the commentary has been silent on this issue. Another interesting point: there is no mention of mArjanam -- the sipping of water after meditation on 'sUryaS ca mA manyuS ca', 'ApaH punantu pRthivIm', or 'agniS ca mA manyuS ca', depending on the particular sandhyA-kAla. I will continue this discussion in my next email. || namo vedapurushAya || Mani ------------------------ Yahoo! Groups Sponsor ---------------------~--> Buy Stock for $4 and no minimums. FREE Money 2002. http://us.click.yahoo.com/orkH0C/n97DAA/Ey.GAA/XUWolB/TM ---------------------------------------------------------------------~-> -- SrImatE rAmAnujAya namaH -- Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to http://docs.yahoo.com/info/terms/
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