Re: [sv-rituals] temple entry

From the Bhakti List Archives

• Thu May 09 2002 - 16:25:32 PDT

> > On another matter, why do we not permit entry of non-hindus into
> our
> > famous sri vaishnava temples like Sri rangam, Kanchipuram etc.?
> Has
> > Ramanuja/other Acharyas in our sampradayam laid out anything
> specifically
> > against interested non-hindus worshipping at our temples?

Sadly, In India and as a matter of fact among many brahmanAs
eslewhere, old habits die hard. This is mainly due to a conflict
between what customs one *has* to shed considering the present
socio-political scenario and what customs one wants to preserve as
handed down by our forefathers.



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