[sv-rituals] Re: Mantra

From the Bhakti List Archives

• Thu May 09 2002 - 14:02:21 PDT

Dear Bhagavatas,

I wanted to know how the practice of Mantra is used in Sri
Vaishnavism. I remember scant mention of Gadyatraya, charam
shloka and sandhyavandanam.

I can imagine there are a number of mantras found in Agamic texts
for temple worship and those for personal meditative sadhana.

Would someone kindly expand on or clarify these ideas.

I also have specific interest in the worship of pranava and
recitation of Gayatri mantra? Also, are different mantras used by
sannyasis and householders and are different mantras given at
successive levels of initiation?

Thankyou again,
Jagadish Dasa

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