[sv-rituals] urgent request

From the Bhakti List Archives

• Sat May 04 2002 - 11:48:42 PDT

NamaskArams to all,

This is an odd request for this particular list, but please bear with me.
I am trying to build a decent bibliography of books on Ahobila Ksethra and
Malola narasimha in particular.

I am working with Prof.Diana Eck at Harvard on tirthayatra, and we are
particularly interested in Malola Narasimha's "pilgrimage" around India to
give darshan to devotees.

If any of the knowledgeable members can suggest books and readings on
Vaishnava pilgrimage, Ahobilam, Malola narasimha etc., I will be eternally
grateful. I need a decent bibliography by Tue if i am to take on this

Thanks a lot, and sorry for minor abuse of the list... but i am not sure
where else this post should go... Maybe the moderator can forward to
sv-general as well.


Naresh Ramarajan.

Naresh Ramarajan , Leverett F-78, 3-2747

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