From the Bhakti List Archives
Narasimhan Krishnamachari
• Sat May 04 2002 - 08:32:56 PDT
Dear Bhagavata-s:
I have a question regarding the original source of the Slokam "AkASAt patitam toyam" that many of us chant during the sandhyAvandanam. I am told that this Slokam was originally composed by Adi Samkara. However, since sandhyAvandanam was performed even before Samkara's time, I am curious whether the Slokam was a later addition. I found this Slokam printed in some books printed according to our sampradAyam (e.g., one published by the viSishTAdvaita pracAriNi sabhA), but also notice that it is missing from the Ahnika grantham published by prkRtam ahobila maTham jeeyar in his pUrvASramam. I would like learned members to confirm the source of the Slokam, if possible, indicating which one of Adi Samkara's works contains this Slokam, and any other information.
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