[sv-rituals] Re: Doubts for clarification
From the Bhakti List Archives
mani2 • Sat Apr 27 2002 - 09:38:51 PDT
Dear Srinivasa Raghavan, I don't think there is anything wrong in what you are doing. We used to sit on chairs (in the 'sukhAsana' -- chappalangAl (sp?)) when we were children for the same reason in New York. It is also a practice to keep respect, departed elders in the PerumaaL arai as you are doing. This I have seen in many orthodox people's PerumaaL arais. Whenever I have a doubt about my lapses in orthopraxy, I remember the following wonderful line from Sri Parasara Bhattar's Sri Rangaraja Stava: 'arcyaH sarvasahishNuH tad arcaka-parAdhIna akhilAtmasthitiH' '(The Lord) makes himself present in a worshippable form and tolerates absolutely everything, making himself totally dependent on the worshipper, and residing within everyone...' It is very reassuring to me to know that primarily what the Lord cares about is the intention of the worshipper. In this case you are no doubt sitting on a chair so that you may have greater anubhavam of Him, so I see nothing wrong whatsoever. This thought is repeated so many times by our Alvars and Sri Ramanuja. You may wish to look at Tiruvaymozhi 1.6.x which focusses on the saulabhya of the Lord, and Sri Ramanuja's comments in numerous places in Sri Gitabhashya. I hope this helps. With regards, aDiyEn rAmAnuja dAsan, Mani P.S. Re: navagraha stotrams -- it is not customary among Sri Vaishnavas to recite them for obvious reasons. Sri Vaishnavas often recite Swami Desika's daSAvatAra-stotram in the place of navagraha stotrams, since the daSAvatara-stotram brings all auspiciousness and good things to the reciter. --- In sv-rituals@y..., Srinivasa Raghavanwrote: > > > I have few doubts and grateful if the BhAgavathas will > help me clarify these: > > I work in the Gulf and I use a shelf as my 'perumal > arai' which is at a height of 5 feet from the ground. > As a result, when I offer my prayer I sit on a chair. > Recenlty a friend of mine said, he saw, for the first > time, someone like me doing prayers sitting on a > chair. The reason why I sit on a chair instead of on a > 'manai palakai' is I cannot see the perumals when I > sit on the floor. Is it in order to sit on a chair and > offer the prayers? > > I have kept the pictures of my maternal and paternal > (late) grand parents in my perumal arai. Is it in > order to keep them in my perumal arai? ------------------------ Yahoo! Groups Sponsor ---------------------~--> Buy Stock for $4 and no minimums. FREE Money 2002. http://us.click.yahoo.com/k6cvND/n97DAA/ySSFAA/XUWolB/TM ---------------------------------------------------------------------~-> -- SrImatE rAmAnujAya namaH -- Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to http://docs.yahoo.com/info/terms/
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