[sv-rituals] Re: Abhivadanam
From the Bhakti List Archives
vaidhehi_nc • Wed Apr 24 2002 - 15:23:48 PDT
Sri RAmaJayam Dear Sriram, (i) I don't think sri Narayan made those statements from mere "gender" aspect. His is a critical question to all people who have digested/studied the vEdAs. But he had sounded emotional while pouring his views. (ii)A "truely" knowledgeable person should not shy away from answering questions however stupid it may sound(Einstein:The best thing is not to stop questioning "why") (iii) Just as Bhagavad RAmAnujA discarded Sankara's philosophy and established his own philosophy,one has to give weightage to one's questions. BTW,I am also a research student(mathematics previously and now aerospace) (critical analysis with sound logic is research and it will sustain for centuries,for your reference "the speed of light is the same for you,for me and for everybody". A researcher is supposed to make a perfect,logical conclusions using intuition) "When I say I'm doing research basically it means that re-search of things which are already there" Before Newton's time gravity existed but we call Newton's laws of motion(b'coz he gave explanation)and not God's laws of motion! (iii)Till the advent of RAmAnujA,sUdrAs were not allowed in the temples. Why? Was it due to the fact that brAhmanAs possess saguNAs and sUdrAs posses nirguNAs? It was b'coz of misconceptions and nothing else set forth by the predecessor Sanakara. It's RAmAnujA who straigtens the society(which was stinking)and gives vimOchanam! (iv)Practice makes a man perfect! If women got training in vEdAs,they also would do justice. It's all the "mindset". If PraNavam affects a women's metabolism, then it's a good "PhD" topic for biologists! (v) NammAzhwAr's kOil Tiruvoimozhi is equal to sAma vEda. Infact all His works represent the vEdAs. I am fortunate(with God's grace)that I can chant kOil Tiruvoimozhi. But that's a different issue. The question is "why women can't chant the vEdAs". People who have studies vEdAs should be able to give a satisfying,logical,scientific reasoning/explanation. After all "PHILOSOPHY IS THE FUNDAMENTAL SCIENCE OF ALL SCIENCES". Let's not forget this. (v) Last but not the least,even if there were thousand Bhagavad RAmAnujAs,still we wound find people who hold onto the gospel "women are not eligible to chant vEdAs without any logic". If someone can prove this by vEdic propositions and proofs(namely viSayaha,pUrva paksham,samsayaha,siddhAntam,samgraha),that would be great. (vi)whether or not it's human nature to go for forbidden fruit,it's certainly a human nature to question certain things. AzhwAr EmperumAnAr tiruvadigaLE saraNam gita [ So-called SUdras were rarely if ever forbidden to enter temples, at least in South India. I don't know about the north. Recall that Tirumangai Alvar and Nammalvar among the Alvars are traditionally classified as SUdras, yet they and their kin are known to have freely worshipped the Lord at many temples. Second, unless someone can shed any further light on the topic of women and the Vedas, I think the topic should be now closed. Any particularly scholarly emails are more than welcome, but I think we have heard enough opinions on the matter for now. -- Moderator ] ------------------------ Yahoo! Groups Sponsor ---------------------~--> Buy Stock for $4 and no minimums. FREE Money 2002. http://us.click.yahoo.com/k6cvND/n97DAA/ySSFAA/XUWolB/TM ---------------------------------------------------------------------~-> -- SrImatE rAmAnujAya namaH -- Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to http://docs.yahoo.com/info/terms/
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