Re: [sv-rituals] Re: Abhivadanam
From the Bhakti List Archives
sumithra varadarajan • Mon Apr 22 2002 - 16:02:31 PDT
Sri Parthasarathi thunai Srimathe Ramanujaya Namaha Pranams, I would like to put forward some points which adiyen heard in a lecture by Sri Ranga Priya Swami on this topic. In the early days(Vedic Period) Women were of 2 types. First type, Satyavadhu(who after marriage help their husbands in the various rituals and get palan for the same even without learning the vedas) The second category was BrahmaVadhini(who as Brahmacharini's learned the vedas).There are so many Brahmavadhini's cited in the upanishads. Swami even told some names sorry i am unable to recollect them now. He also gave reference to one Upanishad which is in the form of question by the wife(Brahmavadini) and answered by her husband. Since women were not allowed to go out for gurukula vasam they were supposed to learn the vedas from their father,elder brother or maternal uncle. But since the first category was easy and the palan was obtained without any difficulty many of the women choose that. By the time of the mahabharat there was almost no Brahmavadinis so Bhagavan by his Krupai delivered the Bhagavat Geetha so that the essence of the vedas can reach all. Swami also cited a verse from the Aranyaka of Yajur and Rig veda "sriyapathi: Sri: thou may..." (sorry that i am unable to reproduce correctly due to my lack of knowledge and poor memory), with which he proved that all the Jeevatmas being sri prayam in front of bhagavan are considered as purushas when they are spirutual minded and have a great interest to know about the Kalyana Gunas of the Bhagavan. So irrespective of men or women who ever have the sole interest of knowing paramatma wholeheartedly they are elligible to know the vedas. And those (including men) who are not interested and are not spiritual minded Satvikas they are not elligible to know the vedas. In my humble opinion, in those days men were sincere in learning the vedas and doing the rituals in it and so it was essential for the women to help them out to succeed in this great task. So if women also start learning the vedas it would be difficult. so they insisted that men learn the vedas and women assist them since women had some problems which provoked them to recite and do rituals on all days. But in this present juncture when men are more interested in other things than the vedic knowledge it is no wrong for the interested women to learn them and also create the interest in their men. Women can thus learn and recite vedic verses on all days othere than the forbidded days. But surely vedas should be learned from a guru properly since if the vedic verses are recited without proper sound and knowing the place and time to recite them they will cause ill effects. So if women are in a position to allot proper time to learn the vedas in a proper manner from a guru they will be elligible to know them. But in the present juncture we can not cite any guru who can really teach women the vedas due to the misconception which is widely prevelent among the vedic scholars. If there is any wrong in the above it is purely do to the lack of understanding on adiyen's part and if there is any valid points all credits go the above Swami who has given a different approach to this topic which many learned scholars have failed to do till today. Adiyen Ramanuja Dasyai sumithra varadarajan ------------------------ Yahoo! Groups Sponsor ---------------------~--> Buy Stock for $4 and no minimums. FREE Money 2002. ---------------------------------------------------------------------~-> -- SrImatE rAmAnujAya namaH -- Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to
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