[sv-rituals] Vedic kriyas

From the Bhakti List Archives

• Fri Apr 12 2002 - 02:33:35 PDT

Dear learned bhagavathars
I would like your advice on something thats concerned me for some 
time regarding the performance of vedic kriyas. I'm a college 
sophmore at the moment, and I've been studying vedas (sakalya 
rigvedam, krishna yajurvedam) for the past few years but 
independently since I've not had a personal guru. Also I've taught 
myself the various ahannikams like trikala sandhya, agnihotram, 
pithru tharpanam etc and observe them as regularly as possible. The 
problem is I'm not from a brahmin family, coming from a (saiva) 
vellalar pillai background. I would like to know the reason behind 
the prohibition of vedic studies and observances to the non-brahmin 
community (which i realise is stigmatised as 'sudra'). Also, whether 
these restrictions still apply and whether I am doing something wrong 
because of my passion for vedas and vedic rituals.

Many thanks in advance.


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