[sv-rituals] Re: Sri RAmAnujA's ThiruNakshatram

From the Bhakti List Archives

• Thu Apr 11 2002 - 11:58:14 PDT

Dear Anita,
          Since I don't have "PAmbu PanchAngam"(my father was 
supposed to send,haven't received it yet),I refer to one site and you 
can check too.

SriRAmAnujA was born in Chithrai month,ThiruvAdirai nakshatram. In 
the stars count(from Ashwini to UttirattAdi),ThiruvAdirai falls 
before PunarpUsam(SriRAmA's Nakshatram). It falls on 20th April and 
SriRama Navami on 21st. If it's not correct,I request people 
having "panchAngam" to let me know.

AzhwAr EmperumAnAr thiruvadigaLE saraNam

--- In sv-rituals@y..., anita A  wrote:
> Harekrishna
> Can some body tell me when is Sri Ramanuja Nakshatiram
> falling this year and any site which gives information
> about all nakshatras falling for this year (panchagam)
> Thanking you
> Ramanuja dasi
> Anita

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