[sv-rituals] Re:Significance of NAmam

From the Bhakti List Archives

• Wed Apr 10 2002 - 09:24:55 PDT

Dear Anand and Naresh
             Thanks for explaining to me the significance of ThirumaN.
I wasn't aware of the second story you told me. The second version
tells me that PerumAL proves Kulashekaran(Arangan adiyArkku adiyan)and
somewhat reminds me of the story behind vaira mudi seva.

Why only 2 cents I wonder!

But I am not an atheist. I have blind,infinite,unshakeable faith in my
"RAmAnuja(he is dearer to me more than the Lord Himself!) and Sriman

AzhwAr,EMperumAnAr thiruvadigaLE saraNam
Sarvam KrshNArpaNam  

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