SVP - Chapter 1
From the Bhakti List Archives
Ramesh Sarangapani • Mon Nov 30 1998 - 18:48:09 PST
Srimathe Lakshmi Narasimha Parabramhane namaha: Srimathe vedantha Desika Yathindra desikaya namaha: Srimathe Lakshmi Narasimha divya paduka sevake Sri Narayana Yathindra Maha Desikaya namahe: Vishnu Puranam - Introduction: Is there a supreme being? Who is this supreme Lord? Who are we and what is our relation to the Lord? The quest to answer these questions is an innate human characteristics. The Vedas deal with these essential questions (and many more non-essential questions) in a comprehensive manner. However, for ordinary people like you and me, it is an arduous task to comprehend these rahasyas by reading the Vedas. The recommended route for most of us is to gain this knowledge by reading the Itihasas and puranas instead, under the able guidance of a sadacharyan. The puranas are 18 in number and are broadly classified as satvika, rajasa and tamasa puranas. Our poorvacharyas state that it is the satvika puranams that explicitly brings out the paratatvam (the essentials). The Vishnu-puranam is considered to the jewel among the satvika puranas (Sri Alavandar call it the "purana-ratnam" in his Stotra-Ratnam). Swami Desikan draws a number of parallels between the "materialistic" jewel and this "puranic" jewel and concludes saying, "just as an exquisite piece of jewelry attracts attention to the one who posses it, similarly the vishnu-puranam brings glory and fame to one who posses its knowledge." This puranam is called Sri Vishnu Puranam since it glorifies Sriman Narayana (Vishnu). It was composed by Parasara muni, the grandson of sage Vashista and the father of sage Vaysa. Yamuna Muni (Allavandar) in his stotra ratnam eulogizes parasara muni for unambiguous expounding the tatva-traya (namely chit, achit and Iswara) so generously expounding the various rahasyas that jeevatmas need to know for their welfare here and hereafter in his composition "Sri Vishnu Puranam". Sri Vishnu Puranam is divided into six "amsas" or sections and each amsa has numerous chapters. The first chapter in section one talks about how this puranam was composed. Section 1: Chapter 1: One fine morning sage Maitreya after completing his nitya anusthanam and making sure his acharyan also has completed the nitya-anushtanam, approaches his acharyan, sage Parasara, with the intent of learning the "paramartha tattuvam". Maitreya: (with all humility) Gurudeva! By your divine grace adiyEn has learnt the vedas and the shastras. Now a few questions have risen in adiyEn's mind that devarir should kindly address. What were these questions and how did sage Parasara address them?? To learn more, stay tuned for the next few posts on "Vishnu Puranam". adiyEn rAmAnuja dAsan Ramesh Sarangapani
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