From the Bhakti List Archives
Sadagopan • Mon Nov 30 1998 - 18:29:58 PST
Dear Sriman Anbil Swamin : We are indebted to you for a most devout and beautiful series of postings on IdhAnim H.H.Azhagiya Singar , whose anugraha Vachanam we had the privelege of hearing last Saturday .Your close assoication with him as your AchArya , Friend and guide has been invaluable to us . Thanks very much for the labor of love ( AchAryam PrakAsayEth ) >PRAKRITAM AZHAGIYA SINGHAR, >MY ACHARYA, FRIEND, PHILOSOPHER AND GUIDE (PART 2) > >HIS DEDICATION TO ARCHAMURTHIS AND ARADHANA > We should really be proud that >we now coeval with this great Mahan. We are indeed DhanyAs to the Divya dampathis for this Parama Bhaagyam . > >HIS RESPECT FOR ACHARYAS >· None could exemplify the ideal Sishya as per Nyasa Vimsati and Sishyakritya >Adhikara of Swami Desikan than our Swami. >· Indeed, he represented a Triveni Sangamam imbibing in himself all the >qualities of head and heart of the three Yathivaras whom he had the privilege >to serve Viz. 42nd 43rd and 44th Azhagiya Singhars. I was thinking along similar lines . The tridhandam our Revered Jeeyar holds in his hand seems to represent the ThrivENi Sangamam that you so beautifully compared . The other thought that occured to me was the Vidvath Sri , AchAra Sri and AnushtAna Sri being bound together by H.H. the Jeeyar's Kaimkarya Sri in the Thridhandam . " Polika Polika " paasuram of Swami Sri NammAzhwar comes to my mind as I think of the MahOpakArams that this great mahAn is doing tirelessly thru personal example . AdiyEn, V.Sadagopan P.S : Look Forward to your next posting !
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