Re: Food For Thought
From the Bhakti List Archives
Mani Varadarajan • Mon Nov 30 1998 - 13:18:57 PST
The discussions over coffee consumption are interesting. While I am no big fan of coffee -- I am not in the habit of consuming it and there is no doubt that caffeine can be an addictive habit -- I wonder whether there is any tradition in our sampradAya of prohibiting coffee. No doubt it is "videsi" -- not indigenous to India, and is therefore not mentioned in AhAra-niyamam and other texts, but if this were the only consideration, then chili peppers, apples, and most of the vegetables eaten even by the orthodox would be forbidden! It goes without saying that drinking coffee is part and parcel of the South Indian lifestyle, including that of most Sri Vaishnavas. When I visited the Araiyar of Melkote recently, the first thing he and his wife offered us were hot cups of coffee. And as Dileepan mentioned to me a couple of years back, on the Sri Vaishnava busses that tour divya desams, the first thing given in the morning is coffee. Now, I don't think drinking coffee is a good habit; it is no doubt a drug, but it doesn't seem to fall into the same category as alcohol, which is expressly forbidden, and has all sorts of obvious negative social consequences. But I wonder if coffee is simply one of those items that, while not the most desirable of things ideally, is simply and implicitly accepted as part of life, like wearing silk or using kastUri (musk). I would like to know if any acharya has specifically commented on this issue. aDiyEn tirukacci nambigaL daasan, Mani
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