Re: Food For Thought

From the Bhakti List Archives

• Mon Nov 30 1998 - 08:39:22 PST

I went to Gaya to perform Thiruvidyanam (Sradhham). The ritual started at
about 8 A.M. (and would go up to 3 p.m.) The brahaspati asked us to drink 
coffee (served). (I did not drink the coffee.) I asked him that there should 
be nothing in the stomache. He told us that it is important to concentrate on 
rituals instead of feeling hungry. 

In Srirangam, Samopakarmam would start around 8 A.M. in the Thirumanjana 
Kaveri and would go up to 2 p.m. The vAdyar would recommend us to have iddli
and coffee (at home) before the start. 

I wrote all these in terms of practicality. It is up to the individual.

Is there anyone who can explain the "Ahara Niyamam" by Sri. Vedantha Desikan
as applicable to modern days?

Vachaka Doshah Kshandavyah

