Re: Food For Thought
From the Bhakti List Archives
Anand Karalapakkam • Sat Nov 28 1998 - 14:12:53 PST
Sri: SrimatE Sri Lakshminrusimha ParabrahmanE namaha Dear Smt Viji raghunAthan, namO nArAyaNA. pranAmams. vraghuna@CALFED.COM wrote: > It occurs to me, tho, that by jumping > up and down telling others what to do with coffee (accompanied by cute > little digs such as "I know you will not give it up for spiritual reasons, > at least do so for your own physical well-being.."), one evinces guNas that > are probably more harmful than coffee. You may be what you eat, but what I > find much more interesting is: > > You Become What You Think About > ----------------------------------------------------- I don't quite understand the exact intent with which this was written. In any case, no where in my postings it was said that leaving out coffee is _ more important_ than cultivating proper thinking , devotion towards Sriman nArAyaNA etc. I never mentioned that "I am _only_ what I eat" and "_not_ what I think ". Probably you mis understood the intent of my posting. My posting was to simply aid one ( who already wants to quit coffee , but somehow is sticking with it) to quit coffee. The mood with which my posting was made is not in accordance with what you have unfortunately mis interpreted. If someone doesn't want to quit coffee, its their personal choice and I don't have any say in that. Your's and Sri Krishna's postings addresses many other issues which will be useful to many. But my posting didn't take any stand on such issues. Hope that this clarifies. regards , anand krishNArpaNam
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