Salutation to Sri VishvaksEnar
From the Bhakti List Archives
Sadagopan • Tue Nov 24 1998 - 18:51:56 PST
Dear BhakthAs : One of my dear friends requested me to compose a few Bhajans on Lord VishvaksEnA for usage in the local temple during sathsangams . I am glad to do so and share the first of the arpaNams with you all . In our SampradhAyam , Lord VishvaksEnA is the commander-in-chief of Sriman NaarAyaNA's army . He has been given the authority by Sriamn NaarAyaNA to protect the wealth of Sri Vaikuntam and maintain order and run the affairs of Parama Padham .He is visualized as having a cane (military staff of a General ) in his hand to command his tropps (dEvAs ) and is always in the company of NithyasUris . Swami Desikan salutes him as the third in the hierarchy of our AchAryAs after KamalA kaanthan and KamalA Herself : VandhE Vaikunta sEnAnyam dEvam Soothravahtee sakham yadhvEthra sikhara spandhE visvam yEthadh vyavasthitham ----YathirAja Sapthathi : SlOkam 3 (Meaning ): I salute VishvaksEnar , the consort of Soothravathi and the Commander-in-Chief of the Lord's army . The whole universe is controlled by the different movements of the Cane that he holds in his hand as insignia of his delegated authority . VishvaksEnar is also recognized as the AchAryan for NammAzhwAr . The name of VishvaksEnar's wife is Soothravathi .He is the first among the Kainkarya parAL of Sriman NaarAyaNA in Sri Vaikuntam . In the 14th slOkam of Sri VenaktEsa SuprabhAtham , Sri VishvaksEnar is seen in action controlling the throngs of the DevAs jostling with each other to get a better sEvai of ThiruvEnkatamudayAn during His SuprabhAtham : Sri Swami PushkariNikaa plava nirmalAnghA : SrEyOarthinO Hara Virinchi SanandhanAdhyA :I dhvArE vasanthi varavEthra hathOtthamAnghA : Sri VenkataachalapathE ! Tava SuprabhAtham II (Meaning ) : " Brahma , MahEsvarA , the sage SanandanA and others , aspiring well-being and having bathed in Sri Swami PushkariNI and (thus) sanctified their bodies , are waiting at the entrance receiving cane strokes on their heads from VishvaksEnar , their commander . Oh Lord of VenkatAchalam ! May it be an auspicious dawn to Thee !". The cane strokes of VishvaksEnar are to be considered as gentle touches to control the over enthusiastic crowds of DevAs pushing for an advantageous vantage point for the darsanam of their Lord . With this background comments , I place at the sacred feet of Lord VishvaksEnar a krithi to be sung in HinDOla Raagam : Pallavi : VishvaksEnam bhajarE rE maanasa VaikuNta sEnAnyam BhajarE Anupallavi: vEthra saara hasthinam Soothravathi nAtham Sri Vaikunta Isvarya ParipAlana Daksham CahraNam : SadhA NaarAyaNa PaarAyaNa vaibhava prasiddham vEdha vEdAntha divya prabhnadha prakAsakam KamalA Kaantha DayA paathram ParAnkusa AchAryam nidhEsEna anusarAn nirvAhakam VishNu Kinkaram (VishvaksEnam BhajarE rE Maanasa ) (Meaning of the Krithi Vaakhyams ): Pallavi: Oh My mind ! Please eulogize Sri VishvaksEnar ! Please meditate on him as the Commander-in-chief of the army of the Lord of Sri Vaikuntam (parama Padham ). Anupallavi: Oh My mind ! Please salute Sri VishvaksEnar , the consort of Soothravathi , with his ceremonial cane in his hand protecting with masterly skill ,the limitless wealth of the Lord of Sri Vaikuntam . CharaNam : VishvaksEnar is well known for his uninterrupted sankeerthanam of his Lord's divya nAmAs . He is the promoter of the lofty doctrines adumbrated in the VedAs , Upanishads and Divya Prabhandhams that celebrate the glories of Sriman NaarAyaNA . He is the beneficiary of the grace and anugraham of Sriya: pathi and is the AchAryA of NammAzhwAr . This prime servant of Sri VaikuntanAthan directs the Lord's troops with the gestures of his ceremonial cane . I will compose a Bhajan soon on Sri VishvaksEnar with the divya dampathi's blessings . Namo NaarAyanA ! Oppiliappan Koil VaradAchAri SadagOpan
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