Musings on sita's agni-pravEsam#5
From the Bhakti List Archives
sudarshan • Sat Nov 21 1998 - 09:08:52 PST
Dear SrimAn Sriram Ranganathan, Thank you for your comments on my post and quote from Swami Desikan's Raghuveera-gadyam. In understanding the Ramayana and related allusions/cross-references to its episodes there is such a thing known as "content"(padam) and "context"(padArtham) which must be appreciated. Sometimes context is more important than content, just as sometimes the woods are more important than the trees, especially when it comes to intense enjoyment of the particular "rasA" of a piece of scriptural literature. It is important to understand the distinction.... just as it is very important, I believe, to know that a lamp-post can serve two purposes equally well ---- you can either lean on it for physical support or you can regard it as a source of enlightenment. If you'd understood the distinction I doubt you'd have ventured to make the remark you did in your post, viz.: ".....It is rather unfortunate to misinterpret Swami Desikan's verses as 'undeserving' as it does include 'Everything' ....". Thanks anyway, Sir, for educating me on the correct import of the line from the Raghuveera-gadyam. Gratefully, adiyEn dAsAnu-dAsan, sudarshan
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