From the Bhakti List Archives
Unknown Sender
• Fri Nov 20 1998 - 14:32:21 PST
Dear Sri. Sudarshan,
As regards your exposition on sita's agni-pravEsam#5, I personally
feel Swami Desikan ( as Sri Mani indicated ) does not
specifically refer to 'only' the humans but generically 'everything'
that *lived* (*existed*) and *walked* ( *displaced, progressed, transited
......* )
Your own translation .........
>>"sAketha janapada jani
Dhanika jangama taditara jantu-jAta ...." i.e. the "fortunate ones who were
blessed to have lived in the shadow of Sri.Rama and walked the same
hallowed earth He did",
It is rather unfortunate to misinterpret Swami Desikan's verses
as 'undeserving' as it does include 'Everything' .
Sriram Ranganathan