Re: Musings on sita's agni-pravEsam#5
From the Bhakti List Archives
Mani Varadarajan • Fri Nov 20 1998 - 13:34:49 PST
Sri Sudarshan, an aside to your interesting series on the agni-pravESa of Sita. You wrote: > The great "superior" humans of Ayodhya ---- they whom Swami Desikan > undeservingly hailed in his "Raghuveera-gadyam" as "sAketha janapada jani > Dhanika jangama taditara jantu-jAta ...." Do you think that Desika was really referring merely to humans in this line? I understood Desika to be following the Alvars in meaning that *all* entities in Saketa-nagara, moving, unmoving, human, animal, or plant, were taken by mere proximity to Rama to the highest of abodes. (In fact, I think you pointed out the parallel between this line and Nammalvar's "kaRpaar, iraamabiraanai allaal" a couple of years ago: see This also parallels Kulasekharan's "anRu caraacarangaLai vaikundhaththEththi" (perumaaL thirumozhi 10.10). I know this is not relevant to your discussion, but I thought I'd bring up the question. aDiyEn tirukkacci nambigaL daasan Mani
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