Naanmugan Thiruvandhaadhi-6 "anbhaavaay! aaraa amudhamaavaay!"
From the Bhakti List Archives
Sadagopan • Wed Nov 18 1998 - 19:51:47 PST
>From: "Madhavakkannan V">Subject: Naanmugan Thiruvandhaadhi-6 "anbhaavaay! aaraa Dear BhakthAs : What a beautiful Paasuram ! ' what an anubhavam ? It is such a wonderful translation by Sri MadhavakkaNNan ! May I suggest to Sri MadhavakkaNNan to continue to split the complex compund words of this great Poet -AzhwAr as he has done here to help us appreciate in depth the beauty of the Tamil phrases that the AzhwAr has chosen to enjoy the spoecial relationship that he enjoys with the Lord of Thirukkudanthai and His piraatti ? Thanks Sri MadhavakkaNNan ! V.Sadagopan >59. "anbhu aavaay!Aaraa amudhu aavaay! * adiyEnuk/ >inbhaavaay ellaamum neeyaavaay*- pon paavai/ >kELvaa! KiLaroLi yen kEsavanE! * kEdinRi/ >aaLvaaykku adiyEnan aaL./ > >Oh My EmperumaanE! The One who is so loving and kind towards me! The One >who is the sweetest insatiable nectar to me! The One who blessed me to >have Him as the Absolute ultimate reservoir of Pleasure! The One who is >also everything else (means, all other pleasures too!) Oh Kamala NathA! >EmperumaanE! The One who shines so lustrously by uniting with the Golden >Lotus faced Kamalai always (MahAlakshmi)! The Faultless, Blemishless >Lord, You are! And You have enslaved me, (who is always Your servant), >out of Your own compassion and mercy on me. Additional musings on this paasuram ************************************* Thirumazhisai Azhwar had special connection to Sri AarAvamudhan of Thirukkudanthai . He commanded the Lord to get up and speak to him and the Lord, who knows the power of His bhakthan over Him responded as told ( another YathOkthakAri , another Bhujanga Sayanan ).He stayed in that UdhyOga Sayanam pose and is looking at us too even today . Thirumazhisai AzhwAr spent His last days at Thirukkudanthai and attained His lotus feet at this divya desam . When our AzhwAr addresses the Lord here in the 59th paasuram as " AarA amudhu aavaay ", "anbhu aavAi , adiyEnukku inbhAvAi , ellAmum nee aavAi " , Our AzhwAr is enjoying his great aanandhAnubhavam in the spirit of NammAzhwAr , who declared later , " AarAvamudhE adiyEn udalam nin paalanbhAyE neerAialainthukaraiyavurukkuhinRa nedumAlE seerAr sennal kavari veesum sezhuneert Thirukkudanthai yErAr kOlam thihazhak kidanthAi kaNDEn ammAnE " Both the AzhwArs refer to the AparyApthAmrutham , the insatiable nectar that the Lord is and His Parama prEma svarUpam with the emphasis on the words , "AaarAvamudhE " and " anbhu ". Although the AzhwArs had aaraatha kaadhal to the divya desa EmperumAns of all divya desams , they stayed put at one place (Srirangam for KulasEkarar and Thondaradipodi, Thirukkudanthai for Thirumazhisai and ThirukkuruhUr for NammAzhwAr and SrivilliputthUr for PeriyAzhwAr ). For their niranthara smaraNai , they chose one ArchA mUrthy in the spirit of " TaamarchayEth ,taam praNamEth ". As KethANdapatti AchAryA once said , " Sri Saarnga dhanva: srOthrasya" sravaNa aanandha anubhavam creates "rOmAnjam tanuthE ".The hearing of the praise of the anantha kalyANa guNams of Sri SaarngarAjA of Thirukkudanthai makes one's hair stand up in joy as a result of that aanandhAnubhavam . The prathipadha VyAkyAnam for the Paasura Vaakhyams of Thirumazhisai will be a wondeful experience to enhance one's bhakthi to AarAvamudhan and melt one's heart . No wonder NammAzhwAr recognizes the residence of Thirumazhisai and other Parama BhakthAs in this KshEthram as " nalatthAl mikkAr Kudanthai KidanthAi" and " vaazh tol puhazhAr Kudanthai kidanthAi ". Thirukkudanthai Desikan , who established the Munithraya SampradhAyam and the Vamsam of AgnihOthram Thatha Desikans are examples of these "nalatthAl mikkaar" and " Vaazh Thol puhazhAr " who followed the AzhwArs as great AchAryAs at this divya desam sanctified by the sacred feet of Thirumazhisai . The AzhwArs and the AchAryAs enjoyed Sri Ranganaathan Himself as AaarAvanudhan :" AarAtha aruL amudham pothintha Koil " , when they salute Srirangam and its ArchA mUrthy . MathurAnthakam Sri VeerarAghavAchArya Swamy has pointed out the relationship between " Rangan " and " SaaRANGAN " thru invocation to the Ooha nyAyam (inference logic mehtod ) used by the MeemsakAs . He has pointed out that one has to infer from the "Rangi Sabdham " the Saarngi Sabdham " and understand the unison of thought ( karutthu oRRumai) between the two sabdhams .This 59th paasuram is therefore mukOllAsakaram ( that makes the face of the Lord of Thirukkudanthai beam with joy )to AarAvamudhan . Following along the path shown by Thirumazhisai , Thirukkudanthai Sri Gopala MahA Desikan saluted the Lord here this way : sathyam jyOthi: sruthi parishathAm apramEyam PramEyam kalyANAnAm avikalagraham paavanma pavanAnAm (meaning): As the unmistakable and sole target of the assembly of innumerable Veda manthrams , this treaure house of all ausopiciousness and purity , which (SaarngarAjan ) shines as eternal effulgence (jyOthi)at Thirukkudanthai and may that jyOthi shine forever in my mind ( satyam jyothi: mE chitthE sadhA bhAthu ) . The kiLaroLi of AarAvamudhan is saluted by AzhwAr in the mannner shown by Vedams ( tath Subrahm ' jyOthishAm JyOthi: ) and Upanishads ( tamEv aBhAntham anubhAthi sarvam tasya bhAsA Sarvam idham bhAthi ). With the reflected jyOthi of that AADHI PARAM JYOTHI , all others gain their prakAsams (" ellAmum nee aavAi " , both vyaktham and avyaktham ) . When Thirumazhisai salutes AarAvanmudhan as " KiLaroLi yenn KesavanE " , he is saluting the Parama vyOma Bhaaskaran of Bhaaskara KshEthram , who in the other AzhwAr's anubhava kramam have been enjoyed as : " sudar oLiyAi nenjinuLLE tOnrumen sOthi nampi" , "ulahinil thORRamAi ninRa sudarE " , PaNiyAyenakku uyyum vahai ParamjyOthi ' adn " Mudic ChOthi, Muhac ChOthi, aDic ChOthi , paDic chOthi and KaDic ChOthi and paramchudar chOthi ". Thirumazhisai in this pasuram acknowledged the parama bhAndhavyam as " kEdinRi aaLvAiykku adiyEnan aaL, (" and You have enslaved me ,who is always Your servant , out of Your own compassion and mercy for me " ) . In the spirit of NammAzhwar , who revealed the sarva- rakshakthvam of our Lord of Thirukkudanthai as " kaLaivAi thunpam kaLayA thozhivAi kaLai kaNN maRRilEn " . He wnet on to say , " isaivitthennai unn tALiNai kezhiruthtum ammAnE " and "theerA vinaikaL theera yennai aaNdai Thirukkudanthai UrAi " . This sambhandham of Seshan to Sarva Seshi , Sri AarAvaudhan is celebrated here so profoundly by Thirumazhisai AzhwAr . What a beautiful Paasuram ! What a beautiful anubhavam ! NaarAyaNa , NaarAyaNa , Daasan , Oppiliappan Koil VaradAchAri SadagOpan BahudhAnya Kaarthikai Third Day .
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