RE: Live images of Divya Deshams Via the Web

From the Bhakti List Archives

• Wed Nov 18 1998 - 01:51:25 PST


Dearest Sisters and Brothers,

Though I did not understand (as usual) much, all I could understand is that
it is going to be a GREAT EXCITING darshan that is feasible on our desktop,
with zooming on each angam of PerumAL and enjoy. 

In fact, for a long time, I was planning to ask this to bhakti Group-
especially those who have excellent software knowledge- Is it possible also
to have a screensaver on Divya dEsa PerumAL/Divya Damaptis, so that it would
be great to have them bless us when you are idle and do not lay your hands
on the PC. Can someone help us? As a first pass, we may start with PerumALs
of Srirangam, Thiruppathi, Triplicane, Kanchi, Oppiliappan, Thiruvalloor, ..
and then perhaps, we can add others one by one. Even if there are many who
wish to work on this now, no problem. Let us have as many screensavers as
possible. All the more great, because He is Aaraa amudhan, an insatiable

Just a supplement to Smt. Sheela's excellent remark.

Thanks and Regards

Narayana dAsan

> -----Original Message-----
> From:	Sheela Belur []
> Sent:	Wednesday, November 18, 1998 2:51 AM
> To:
> Subject:	Live images of Divya Deshams Via the Web
> Dear Athmabhandus,
> I would like to bring to the notice of this esteemed list a proposal that 
> has the  potential of being able to get live images of selected divya 
> deshams via the web. 
> A company ( has products called  Axis Web cameras 
> which can be connected to the WWW and have built-in 
> servers  without requiring a workstation/PC. They are stand alone web 
> servers supporting HTTP  protocol. These cameras cost about $800-900 per 
> piece. Not only is it possible to view the images live it is also 
> possible to do pan/tilt and zoom them from remote browsers with password 
> protected usernames etc. If such a device is installed in a Divya Desham 
> we, the Bhakthi group members, can from our desk tops have darshan of the 
> Lord anytime or  atleast on special occasions like alwar thirunakshtrams, 
> Vaikunta Ekadsai etc. I look forward to responses from each and every
> member.
> Adiyen,
> Sriranganayaki - Ramanuja Dasi
> (Sheela)