tele-kalakshepum on Sri Bhagavat Gita

From the Bhakti List Archives

• Mon Nov 16 1998 - 17:22:42 PST

Srimate Sri Lakshminrisimha Parabrhmane Nama:
Srimate Ramanujaya Nama:
Srimate Nigamantha Mahadesikaya Nama:
Srimate Athivan Satakopa Yathindra Mahadesikaya Nama:
Srimate Srivan Satakopa Sri Vedantadesika Yathindra Mahadesikaya Nama:
Srimate Sri Lakshminrisimha Dhivya Padhukasevaka
Srivan Satakopa Sri Narayana Yathindra Mahadesikaya Nama:

Friends -

If you haven't heard about this, you are missing out on a wonderful
program. Sri Krishna Kalale (CA) is giving lectures on 
Sri Ramanujacharya's Gita Bhasyam every Sunday evening and
these lectures are transmitted all across USA by a conference
call bridge. We have had two such lectures so far and the
response has been...well...overwhelming. Here is what one
of the participants had to say:

The classes offered by Sri. Krishna Kalale are very informative,
well structured &  well rendered - something I look forward to
eagerly every Sunday evening.  Also the technology that is being used 
to deliver this is very impressive because of its easy accessibility 
and quality of lecture delivery. 

                                    -  Smt. Bharathi Srinivasa, NJ.

Sri Kalale who has learn the Gita Bhasyam from his acharyas has
planned this as a 20 hour lecture series. He has already covered
the introduction and first chapter in two lectures and is ready to
start talking about the various yoga-rahasyas that our beloved
empuruman, Sri Parthasarathy, has bequeathed to mankind. The 
remaining 18 lectures by Sri Kalale will cover the remaining 17
chapters and then summarize the salient points in the final
concluding lecture. Every lecture is for one hour.

So friends, don't delay any further and come and register. This
is not-for-profit and is done purely on a voluntary basis by Sri
Kalale. If you decide to register, the only charges you will
have to pay is for the conference call bridge connection. This
comes to $8.00 per hour per line + local phone bill (which will
be $3.00 if you have the AT&T / MCI 5cents/min weekend deal).
So for approx. $10 you can listen to these lecture form the
comfort of your homes and also record them if you want to
reminiscence at a later date J

adiyEn rAmAnuja dAsan
Ramesh Sarangapani

Here are some FAQ's:

1) Any contact people information? 

To register please contact Sri Parthasarathi Dileepan:

For more information, please contact Sri Krishna Kalale: or 

2) How to register?

There are two steps to register.

[a] Please send an e-mail to with CC to  In your e-mail, please include your name,
address, phone number, and a list of the names of the participants
and their respective ages.

[b] In order to cover the cost of this scheme each caller will be charged
a nominal fee of $8 for each 1 hour session.  To keep the paper work to
a minimum we request that the fees for 4 sessions be sent at one time. 
That is, if you sign up, please make a check out for $32 in favor of Sri
Ahobila Muth and mail it to 1908 Preswood Dr., Hixson, TN 37343.
This fee is for one caller.  At the receiving end with a speaker phone
any number of people may listen.  The fee is still only $8 per session
per caller.  However, to keep track of the audience we request that all
the participants register with us.

3) How to dial into the classroom?

At the time of your registration you will be given a phone number.
Dial this Class-Phone number no earlier than 2 minutes before the
class. You will get a ringing sound as if no one was picking up if
you call earlier, since you will be the first caller.  In that case just
call back after one minute you will be on there.

4) What to do if there is any problem?

Here are some phone numbers that will be handy.

Sri Krishna Kalale: 619-509-7904 (don't call this number during
the class). Sri P. Dileepan: 423-877-9860

Hope you can join this "tele-kalakshepum".