Adhawin Font for Sun Solaris

From the Bhakti List Archives

• Mon Nov 16 1998 - 07:00:35 PST

Dear Members,

Starting today all Tamil texts rendered in Adhawin font at can be viewed on a PC or
Sun workstations running Solaris 2.5 versions of Netscape.

I have converted the texts for Vaazhi Thirunaamam and
Sri Manavaala Maamuni's works. I will be updating the
works of Sri Pillai Lokcaachaarya this week.

The Adhawin font for Win 95 (TTF font) can be downloaded

For Unix BDF fonts, please send me an email and I can send a tar
file with instructions. Depending on the number of requests,
i'll either email the tar file or put on the WEB for download.

I have tested the font on Solaris runing Netscape 3, 4.06 and 4.5.
There are few options that need to be set in verions 4*. The font
set for Unix is simple and may not display bold faces very well.


Venkatesh Elayavalli