Musings on sita's agni-pravEsam#4
From the Bhakti List Archives
sudarshan • Sun Nov 15 1998 - 04:30:16 PST
Dear Sri.S.H.Krishnan and other members who are following this thread, It is time for us to commence examining in detail the scene of the "agni-pravEsam" as depicted in the Valmiki Ramayana.In doing so we must be willing to flex our imaginations a bit so that the vividness of the situation comes alive. ****** ****** ******* The war in Lanka had ended. It was a misty morning when the sun had not yet quite risen in the eastern skies. From atop a hillock Rama looked at the aftermath of the furious battles fought in the past weeks. The killing-fields of Lanka presented themselves to Him in all their gory detail. Blood flowed in the streets. The earth lay scorched and scarred.... and the torn limbs of soldiers scattered everywhere....Ruined remains of chariots dotted the landscape like sombre shipwrecks on a deserted beach.... the reek of rotting flesh --- of dead battle-horses, bears and elephants --- filled the air..... Everywhere Sri.Rama turned He saw nothing but death, dismemberment and destruction wrought by His own hands. As he walked through all the mayhem and casualty, the stunned Prince of Ayodhya heard the painful moaning of the grievously wounded ...and the dying.The wailing of dead men's mothers and wives rang in His ears, hounding and following Him everywhere on His post-battle tour of the island-city. His own dear "vanarA-s" lay dead in the thousands.... unknown, unsung heroes who'd martyred away their lives for a cause that was really not their own..... It is reasonable to assume that in those early hours in the aftermath of the Lanka war Sri.Rama may have been assailed by a momentary but profound sense of despair not unlike the black mood of depression which, at another time in another age, overcame Arjuna at the commencement of the Kurukshetra war. The cruel wages of a war of His own making after all, Sri.Rama realized, had been dearly paid for by countless innocent families --- both "vAnarA" and "rAkshasa". Thousands had been bereaved. Thousands more needlessly dragged into a collossal, monumental tragedy for no real reason other than that they were the loyal subjects of either Ravana or Sugriva and hence had had to follow their respective sovereign into a bloody war.... and unto bloody death.... "theirs not to ask why, theirs but to do and die".... In those grim, anguished moments, we should imagine, Sri.Rama may well have soliloquised : "What has this war been really about? To redeem the honour of the IshvAku House? To save the name of Dasaratha? Or my own? Why, oh why then did this war have to be fought by these poor "vAnarA" infantry? Why, why indeed, did these apes and bears, these poor denizens of the forest, have to be used by me as so much cannon-fodder? This was a war that ought to have been fought between "rAkshasa" and the citizenry of AyodhyA. The ranks in my army here ought to have been filled with the hordes of men who followed Bharatha across the Sarayu into Chitrakoot. Would those my kinsmen from Ayodhya have set forth to spill blood on my behalf as readily, gladly and as unquestioningly as these beloved "vAnarA-s" have done?" "If this war had been won with my own clansmen from Saket fighting by my side it would have earned them the glory of their kingdom and restored for them the sovereignty of their King and Queen. But what has this victory in this war now earned for these poor "vAnarA-s"? Nothing.... "What have I done? Oh, rue me, what have I done? I have done nothing but bring death and despair to the countless innocent families of Kishkinda .....all in the name and for the sake of my honour and that of my absent kinsmen....Oh, what have I done...?". *********** ************** ************** Far away from where Rama stood, and deep in the interior of Lanka, in the thick woods of the Ashokavana, Sita too awoke to a new day thinking that the news of her Lord's victory would cheer her withered heart. Strangely, at precisely the moment when her cup of joy ought to have brimming over, not unlike Rama she too felt in her heart the numbness of a familiar but overwhelming sadness. She too knew about the death and destruction that had been dealt to all Lanka by a war that had been fought for and over her. Many days ago she had had a foreboding of this very moment when a more than human tragedy would befall Lanka. It filled her with grief that her premonition had to come true on the same occasion when she won her personal liberation. "yAdhrshAneeha dhrshyanthE lankAyAma-shubhAni vai I achirENaiva kAlEna prApsyAmyEva manOraTham II "noonam lanka hathE pApE rAvanE rAksha-sADhamE I shOsham yAsyathi durDharshAm pramadA viDhava yaThA II "noonam rAkshasa-kanyAnAm rudantInAm gruhE gruhE I srOshyAmi nachirAdEva duKhArthA-nAmiha Dhvanim II "sAnDhakArA hathadhyOtha hatha-rAkshasa pungavA I Bhavishyathi pUrI lanka nirdAgDhA rAmasAyakai-hi II " ( Valmiki Ramayana -- V . 26, 26-27, 29-30) "This city which is now stricken by so many omens of evil will in a short time lose her splendour. As a woman reduced to widowhood, so will Lanka be when her lord Ravana is destroyed. In no time will this city soon hear the piercing shrieks of grief echoing from every household, for in every house shall a 'rAkshasa' have gone to battle and failed to return home." We shall continue in the next post. adiyEn dAsAnu-dAsan, sudarshan
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