RE: ThiruviNNagarappan Thirumanjanak Kattiyam : Part 1
From the Bhakti List Archives
Sadagopan • Fri Nov 13 1998 - 16:33:22 PST
Dear BhakthAs : There was a question about the significance of a passage on the Thirumanjanak Kattiyam realting to the conversation between the Jivan and the Lord in His wet cloth and TuLasi garland . The details related to that symbolic dialog might be of interest to you . V.sadagopan >Date: Fri, 13 Nov 1998 19:16:05 >From: Sadagopan>Subject: RE: ThiruviNNagarappan Thirumanjanak Kattiyam : Part 1 >Cc: BJ > >>From: "Bharadwaj, Jaganath" >>To: "'Sadagopan'" >>Subject: RE: ThiruviNNagarappan Thirumanjanak Kattiyam : Part 1 >>Date: Tue, 10 Nov 1998 09:48:05 -0500 > >Dear Sri Jagan: > >> Could you tell us the significance >>of Lord Ranganatha having the conversation with the Jeeva in "wet >>clothes" is? It is the assumptions behind certain practices that are >>lost over the centuries. Only those who have either done Kaalakshepam >>or read a lot will be able to elaborate on these finer points. >> Bharadvaj Jagan > >Thanks for your question on the symbolism of >Sriman NaarAyaNA with wet cloth and TulLasi >garland conversing with the deluded Jeevan . > >This is connected to a practise referred to in >Yaj~nyavalkya Smr*ti as Jala-divya and Tulasi-divya . >Divya is the practise of solemnly swearing under oath. >To Parasara Bhattar's eye , the Lord's sevai during >the Just-begun Thirumanjanam reminded him of the above >two of the ten ways of solemnly attesting to patent truth >about the relationship ( Ozhikka OzhiyAtha uRavu) between >the Sarva Seshi and the Sesha BhUthan ( Lord and the Jeevan ). > >The Lord is proving His claim as the Master of the stubborn >Jeevan, which in turn claims that it is an independent entity , >empowered by its own self. > >Parasara Bhattar as a ParamAchAryan and Sri Ranganatha's dear >purOhitha was very keen on reminding us about the anarthams >and ViparIthams that accrue from three delusions that >affect a confused jeevan : > >1. SareerAthma Bramam ( Equating perishable Sariram to > eternal aathmA and the delusion caused by that ) > >2. SvatantrAthma Bramam( Forgetting that the Jeevan > is the Sesha BhUthan to the sarva Seshi and > concluding that the Seshan has an independent satthA / > existence ). > >3. Nireesvara Vaatha Ruchi ( Taste for thinking that > there is no Isvaran , who is the sarvasEshi. Here > the Jivan thinks that it is Isvaran Himself .The > literal meaning of Isan is "one who rules:aaLhiRavan , > the rest are aaLappadupavai or IsithavyangaL . > Jeevans are IsithavyangaL . Confusion on this > matter is the most dangerous with profound > consequences). > >all these three are called MahA VirOdhis for Moksham . > >These engagements in pursuit of ViparItha Jn~Anam will >destroy the Jeevan"s lot to enjoy the Lord as Sarva Seshi >and perform Nithya Kaimkaryam for Him at Sri Vaikuntam >thru the practise of the Moksha upAyams of Bhakthi or >Prapatthi . > >To help the jeevans struggling in SamsAric life , >Parasara Bhattar reminds us all about Isvara LakshaNams >here .Three of the concepts associated with Artha Panchakam >are touched here : PrApyam ( Seshi/Isvaran/Isvara Vargam- >our Lord with Periya PirAtti) ),PrApthA (chEthanan/Jeevan/ >sEshan ) and prApthi virODhi(SarIram ) . > >Parasara Bhattar is following the path established by >AchArya RaamAnujA and his purvAchaaryargaL here. AchArya >RaamAnujA stated very clearly as to what is Isvara >LakshaNam in his gadhyam : > >svAdhIna thrividha chEthanAchethana svarUpa >sthithi pravrutthi bhEdham > >This passage from AchAryA's gadhyam composed >right in front of Lord RanganAtha and Sri Ranga Naayaki >during their Serthi sevai on a Panguni Uttaram day >is extremely deep in meaning and is central to our >siddhAntham . > >The LakshaNam of the Sarva Seshi , our Lord is >hinted here . This profound statement sums >up the attributes of the Lord as the One , who >has under His control the three kinds of ChEthanams >( Bhaddha , Muktha and Nithya Sooris) , three kinds >of AchEthanams ( prakr*uthi, Kaalam and Suddha Satvam) >and their svarUpam, sthithi and pravrutthi as well . > >The differnces between the Lord , the Vibhu and >the Jeevan is aNu are again three fold : >Our Lord in contradistinction to the sesha Jeevan >has these three LakshaNams : > >1. ananyAdheenathvam ( unlike the jeevan > and achEthanam , Isvaran is not under > anyone's control or suzeranity .He controls > all the others ) > >2. nirupAdhika Seshathvam ( natural disposition > to be the Seshi of all , the jeevans and > achEthanams without exception ) > >3. nirupAdhika Niyanthruthvam (natural disposition > to command/rule every one and getting them to > go about their vyApArams : karthruthvam and > BhOkthruthvam of the Jeevan are thus under > His control). > >Thus the Isvara LakshaNams are unique and in no >way can the Jeevan delude itself to think that >it has independent existence and it is the Lord >Himself. This can lead only to utter disaster >of repeated cycles of births and deaths . A clear >understanding of the Isvaraand Jiva LakshaNams >through Bhakthi or Parapatthi at the feet of >a sadAchAryaa would remove these three bramams >and lead to Moksha Siddhi . > >Thus ,Parasara Bhattar is reminding all those >assembled for enjoying the Thirumanjanam and >perhaps in his own special way reminding >the Lord Himself about His paaratantryam , >just as ANDAL reminded the Lord >about His sworn duties and to get up from His >comfortable nidhrai and go about doing His sworn >duties etched on top of the VedAs (i-e) Upanishads . > >Namo NaarAyaNA , >Oppiliappan Koil VaradachAri Sadagopan > > > > > > > >
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