Naanmugan Thiruvandhaadhi- 5 - "there is no fear for me any more"
From the Bhakti List Archives
Madhavakkannan V • Thu Nov 12 1998 - 23:53:23 PST
Sri: Dearest Sisters and Brothers, This ten of Thirumazhisai vandha jOthi's Naanmugan Thiruvandhaadhi is on our Glorious Sri Srinivasa PerumAL of ThiruvEmkatam. An excellent ten! 41. Oh My Dear Lord of ThiruvEmkatam, the place where the precious stones come rolling down with the roaring vociferous waterfalls from the top, where the reverberating mangaLaasaasanams of Your dearest devotees on ThiruvOnam (sravanam) echo everywhere! You have entered into my heart and now I long to pay obeisance to You at ThiruvEmkatam. 42. Reach that tall mountain of ThiruvEmkatam and pay obeisance to Him; That Greatest Mountain, by its very nature, removes all our sins at all times. The most fragrant Lotus born BrahmA, and the three eyed Sivan too offer Lotus flowers at the Lotus Feet of Srinivasa PerumAL and pay their praNaamams at this sthalam at ALL TIMES. 43. Lotus –born BrahmA, and the Moon Crescent headed Sivan, collect pearls and other precious stones and go to TirumalA, where clouds are all immersed in between the mountains, for performing Thiruvaaraadhanam at this sthalam for Emperumaan’s Thiruvandhikkaappu (during Sandhyaakaalam). 44. Oh Young People! Proceed to ThiruvEmkatam desirously, where the Ever Youthful Lord Srinivasan is standing most gracefully- the One (as a baby sitting on his lap) who had hinted to BrahmA, that he should not grant boon to punishable rAvaNan, , by drawing ten lines on the ground with his toe finger, erased them and disappeared. “DhaNda arakkan thalai thaaLaal- paNdu eNNip pOm”. (Does anyone please supplement this leelA of PerumAL please!) 45. Emperumaan is standing so beautifully and gracefully at this mountain and BhAgawathAs, who most lovingly and devotedly offer flowers at His Feet with mangaLaasaasanams (by praising Him with sthOthrams). They all fall at His Feet and prostrate like the “axed tree trunk”. Such Greatest Emperumaan is my Lord and this cool breezy mountain with waterfalls is the INVALUABLE TREASURE (Nidhi) for even NithyasUris, and the Earthly people. (Sri MK Sudharshan and Sri Muralidhar Rangaswamy, I am sure, must be very excited to read about their abhimaana sthalam!) 46. (Look at AzhwAr’s imagination and poetic narration in this pAsuram!) On top of this ThirumalA, the elephant wants to offer to the Lord Srinivasa the cool moon itself to the Lord and tries to catch it from the sky, while the hunter looking at that elephant tries to surround the elephant and trap. The gypsies (kuRavar) who live in there, seeing the cruel hunters, take their bows to attack the hunters. Such Great ThirumalA- if one pays obeisance happily and sincerely to Emperumaan here at this sthalam, it will DO HIM A LOT GOOD. They will be tremendously benefited. (AzhwAr implies that even the animals love to offer and pay obeisance to the Lord and the Lord removes the hurdles coming in the way). 47. The Strong lions, the elephants, Golden particles, Pearls, Gem stones, the trees with fully bloomed flowers, the dense thick forests, and hunters and monkeys who live in them, are all here at this Most Beautiful Cool ThiruvEmkatam mountain. And on this mountain, is the Blue Bright Diamond-my Emperumaan Sri Srinivasa PerumAL, the SarvEshawarn who stays for ever. (Here AzhwAr implies: Emperumaan most willingly stays here permanently and hence, AzhwAr enjoys the animals, the stones, the trees, chEthanAs and achEthanAs as NityasUris. 48. ThiruvEmkatam is the Mountain where NityasUris, pay their obeisance with Great Bhakti; It is the Mountain, where even one’s karmic diseases (which unless one suffers taking various births, will never ever get erased at all) vanish within a fraction of a second; It is the mountain where the body diseases even get cured (VaidhyO NarayanO Harih:) It is the Mountain where Emperumaan, who destroy the asurAs and protect the dEvAs with His ChakrAyudham, is standing so gracefully and divinely. 49. Emperumaan appeared as the Koormam (Huge Tortoise) to hold the manthara mountain on His top, so that it will not slip away and used Vasuki snake for churning the Ocean. While doing so, He also held tight the top of the mountain with His one Hand, in order not to let it wobble and the water splash- Such Greatest Most wonderful Lord- it should mandatorily be one’s duty to speak ONLY in praise of Him and utter His Divine Names. 50. KaNNaperumaan- The One who is having His YoganidrA at ThiruppaaRkadal (Milk Ocean) is here at Kapisthalam Divya dEsam on the banks of the river Cauvery. His Charama slOkam and its rich deep meanings are fully imbibed in my heart and hence, after having understood Him as the Means and the End as well, now, there is no fear for me; (Maa sucha:) All my cruel, incorrigible sins have vanished and will never dare come near me; (sarva paapEbhyO) and I will never ever earn a bad name (of being an independent jIvan with a wrong knowledge; means- I know that I am ever dependent on Him and will serve Him only- mOkshayishyaami). Thirumazhisai AzhwAr ThiruvadigaLE SaraNam Narayana Narayana Narayana dAsan ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at
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