Re: Naanmugan Thiruvandhaadhi-triplicane question.

From the Bhakti List Archives

• Wed Nov 11 1998 - 00:07:50 PST

Dear  Sri.Kannan,

going by both sthalapuranam and by historic records,SriRanganatha's 
sannadi was earlier to parthasartathy.
our freind /Emperuman Sriparthasarathy  only
came as a guest there.(onda vanthava perumal)

it is natural that during first alwar period and thriumazhisai alwar,

it was only Ranganatha  the main diety in that temple and Sri 
sannadhi was not existent.

even today Sri Vedavalli thayar(presiding thayar) is only associated 
with Srui Ranganatha and
not with our freind Sri parthasarathi.




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