nAcciyAr tirumozhi IV-kUDal izhaittal 4.11
From the Bhakti List Archives
Kalyani Krishnamachari • Tue Nov 10 1998 - 19:08:00 PST
SrI: SrI ANDAL samEta SrI rangamannAr tiruvaDigaLE SaraNam nAcciyAr tirumozhi IV-kUDal izhaittal pASuram 4.11 (fourth tirumozhi - pAsuram 11 UDal kUDal ) A. Translation from SrImAn SaDagOpan's tamizh treatise: The curly-haired godai (kuzhaRk-kODai) completes her kUDal tirumozhi on the topic of the kUDal exercise played by the gopi-s with a phala Sruti. She declares that whoever sings these 10 kUDal pASurams dealing with the gopis' acts of UDal-kUDal (being angry because they can't get Him right away when they want Him), uNardal-puNardal (telling kaNNan that He has been unfair to them, and kaNNan telling them He is sorry and joining back with them), etc., will never be separated from Him. UDal kUDal uNardal puNardal nIDu ninRa niRai pugazh Aycciyar kUDalaik kuzhaRk-kODai mun kURiya pADal pattum vallArkku illai pAvamE B. Some additional thoughts: UDal-kUDal - PVP interprets this as one phrase referring to the attribute of the gopi-s being angry because of their intense love for Him and not being able to get Him as soon as they want. In support of the former interpretation, SrI PBA emphasizes that UDal and kUDal should not be viewed as two separate words, but should be considered as one phrase referring to "being associated with UDal". He gives the following example of this UDal: "ennukku avaLai vittu ingu vandAi innam angE naDa nambi! nIyE!" (why did you leave her and come here, you can go back to her). Being told thus, emperumAn is not allowed to enter the house and the door is closed on Him. SrI T. S. rAjagopAlan gives the interpretation using UDal and kUDal as two separate words - fight and harmony interspersed with each other with kr*shNan. niRai pugazh Aycciyar - they are full of glory because they always have anubhavam of kaNNan. SrI PVP quotes SrI embAr: the gOpi-s are such dear devotees to Him that He longs to be with them; their devotion is such that He has to fast for 4 days to get this gopi, and fast for 10 days to be with the other gopi, etc. illai pAvamE - SrI PVP remarks that ANDAL gives the phala Sruti that for one who chants these kUDal pASurams with devotion, there is no need to go through the agony of 'kUDal izahittal', as ANDAL is going through. kuzhal kOdai - SrI PVP points out that the beauty of godA pirATTi's curly hair is such that it will make Him resort to kUDal to get Her. sarvam SrIman nArAyaNAyEti samarpayAmi. adiyEn, Kalyani Krishnamachari
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