From the Bhakti List Archives
Madhavakkannan V
• Mon Nov 09 1998 - 18:29:06 PST
Dearest Sri Sadagopan mama,
You have surpassed all your - repeat all your- earlier posts. The
ThiruviNNagaraan Thirumanjanakkattiyam posts, if I say, are GREAT-
SUPER- EXCELLENT, still I am doing justice to my enjoyment. Everyone in
the list will agree with me, mama. Your post brought tears with joy and
pride (for being blessed with such Sathsangam and being associated with
you across the net).
The narration of Divya Parabhandham, Swami Desikan's BhUsthuthi, and
finishing it so well is all in superlative terms.
May BhoomAdEvi SamthEtha Ponnappan, MaNiappan, Mutthappan, Enappan,
ThanoppArilappan Oppiliappan bless you with many more years of such
kaimkarayam to benefit and uplift us further.
Warm Regards
NamO Narayana.
Narayana dAsan Madhavakkannan
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