Re: Definitions of visvadevas & pracetas?
From the Bhakti List Archives
Sadagopan • Mon Nov 09 1998 - 09:22:45 PST
>From: >Subject: Re: Definitions of visvadevas & pracetas? >Date: Mon, 9 Nov 1998 10:52:53 EST > >Dear Bhagavatas: > >May I supplement (and NOT meant to supplant) the illuminating treatise of >Sreeman Sadagopan Swami on the subject? Dear BhakthAs and VedAbhimAnis : I am delighted that Sri Anbil Swamy provided additional information that rounds off my input. I appreciate it sincerely . Vasu , Rudra , AdityAs are also descriptions of BrahmachAris of different levels of austerity ( the lengths of years of celibacy )in one intrepretaion . V.Sadagopan > >1 VISWEDEVAS: > >2.PRACHETASAS: >3.VASUS: >Vasus are a class of manes.They are usually referred to as Ashta (8) Vasus and >considered along with Ekadasa (11) Rudras and Dwadasa (12) Adityas (Sovereign >principles) considered to dwell in the Pitruloka. We offer Til and Water on >Amavasya and other Pitru days for our parents, grandparents and Great grand >parents represented respectively by Vasu, Rudra and Aditya. They were >considered in Vedic times as the personification of natural phenomena or >spheres of existence or dwellings
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