ThiruviNNagarappan's Thirumanjanak Kattiyam : Part 5
From the Bhakti List Archives
Sadagopan • Sat Nov 07 1998 - 20:03:12 PST
16. Aazhi mazhaik KaNNA ! poovaip poo VaNNA ! mey niNru kEttaruLAi adiyEn seeyum ViNNappamE ! ( Oh Mandala nirvAhaka Parjanya PrabhO ! Oh Lord , who nourishes the world with abundant , life giving rains in Your role as the power behind VaruNa Devan ! Oh Athasi pushpa samaana varNa !Oh Lord , who has the blue hue of the KaasAm poo ! Please bless us by listening to our humble and fervent request ! ) 17. yEkikrutha dhyumaNi Bimbha sahasra dheepthi kireetamum (with Your resplendent Crown shining with the unified radiance of thousands of Suns) kuDila kunthaLa kaanthi rUpamaana thrukk kuzhar KaRRayum (with Your abundant curly locks of shining black hair) vikacha pankaja lOchanamudaya unn Thirumuha mandalamum ( with Your face lighting up with the lustre of a just blossomed lotus ) ashtami Chandranukku samAnamAna Thiru neRRiyum ( with Your forehead shining like the beautiful, semi-circular ashtami Moon ) laavaNya varshiNi lalADa taDE Bibhrath Urdhva punDramum ( With Your ThirumaNN kaappu shining and blessing us with its radiance from its palce in Your forehead ) aakarNithE aasA: prasAdhayithum Thiruccheviyum ( With Your ears, which have the power to fulfill the people's prayers at the same instant they receive the appeal for help from Your adiyArs) kandharpa lAncchana tanu samAnamAna makara kuNdalangaLum ( with Your lovely Makara Kundalams reminding us about the insignia of the fish on the flag of Manmathan , Your son ) kaama saraasanasya maathrukA rUpamaana puruvankaLum ( With Your bewitching brows reminding us of the bow of Manmathan ) aalakshya Satthvam athivEla dayOttharangamAna kaNNKaLum ( With Your mercy-laden befriending eyes that resemble the well stocked ocean full of life and lulled there by the gentle waves of Your DayA ) avaikaLil uLLa anAmaya Vaakhya garbhangaL koNda katAkshangaLum ( With the embedded message in Your eyes that are pregnant with the concern for our KshEmam ) nigama nisvasithamAna Thiru mookkum ( with the beauty of Your nose that inhales the Vedams as its prANan ) kovaip Pazhatthai pazhikkum thiruvatharankaLum ( With Your beautiful red lips , which defeat easily the beautiful red hue of Kovai fruits) sankha nibhamaana thiruk Kazhutthum ( with the beauty of Your neck reminding one of a lovely conch in its shape ) aajAnu lambhithamAna thiruk kaikaLum ( with Your long arms reaching all the way down to the knees) padhAravindham kANpikkum dakshiNa karamum ( With Your right hand showing Your lotus feet) samsAra saagaram ivvaLavu thaan yena kaaNpikkum vaama kati hasthamum ( With Your left hastham indicating that the fearsome ocean of Samsaram is only thigh deep ) Srivatsa Kousthubha RamA vanamaalika angamAyudya Thiru maarpum ( With Your chest housing Srivatsam , KousthubhA gem, Periya PirAtti and the Vyjayanthi Vana Maalai) aardhram tama mathanam aasritha tArakamAna ThiruvuLLamum ( With Your ThiruvuLLam that is moist with the flow of DayA and offering protection to those who seek Your refuge ) dayithOpadhAnamaana Thirut thodaikaLum ( With the strong and beautiful thighs serving as the pillows for Your devis) gOpAngaNEshu krutha chankraNamAna jaanukkaLum ( with Your Beautiful knees that crawled across the houses of GopAs of Gokulam ) Ramaa MaheebhyAM samvAhithamAna charaNa padmankaLum ( with Your sacred feet pressed by Sri and BhU devis ) sankha chakrAdhi aayuthankaLUm, azhagiya AbharaNankaLUm sErnthu jaajvalvyamAi viLangum devareerikku , adiyEN seyyum oru viNNappamum ithuvE (May I as Your adiyavan beseech You to listen to my humble request as You give us the blessings of sEvai of Your SubhAsrayam in Archai at ThiruviNNagar with Your sacred weapons , beautiful ornaments , golden yellow peethAmparam and sarvAnga Soundharyam ? ) DandakAraNyatthil nadantha kaLai aaravO BrindhAvanatthil aadi Odiya vaattam theeravO OthamAkadalaik kadanthEri RaavaNanai azhittha kaLaippO singamathAi avuNan thiralAham keeNda asathiyO Bhumip pirAttiyai thEdi Odiya thApam theeravO ThAyAi vantha pEyin uyirai urinchiya mayakku aravO paanchAli koonthal mudikka Bharathap pOrr seytha asathiyO kaNNinuNN siRut thAmpinAl uNdAna vidAi theeravO Devareer Thirumanjanam KaNdaruLi , kOlam seythu , inghE ninRu , adiyOmOdum ninnOdum pirivinRi aayiram pallANdu , manperu vaanaham uyya, amarar uyya , maNN uyya , unn tann leelA vibhUthiyil manisar uyya , thunbamihu tuyarhaL ahala , ayarvonrilA aanandham vaLara , ahamellaam poorikkum Thondar uLLam kuLira , Sri MarkanDEya Maharishi kaNdu kaLitthu pallANdu paada , YennappanE , Yenn MaNiyE , MutthE , PonnE , amudhamE , pallvahayum parantha PerumAnE , Devareer manjanamAdi aruLvathE ! Parama NaarAyaNa ! BhUvallabha ! SravaNa VenkatEsA ! Jaya Vijayee Bhava ! Sankha tArA , Padhma TaarA , Sahasra TaarA mukEna theerttha thrayam prakatayathi AbhishEka Vaari . Bumi Devi SamEtha Sri Oppiliappan Thiruvadit ThaamaraikaLE SaraNam . AzhwAr, AchAryan ThiruvadigaLE SaraNam . DaasAnu Daasan Oppiliappan Koil VaradAchAri SadagOpan P.S : Sunday , November 8th is the VidAyERRI day at the end of the ThirukkalyANa uthsavam for the divya dampathis of Oppiliappan Koil . The constellation of Mrugaseersham is in ascendance on this day . My revered father , Poojya Sri , Parama padha Vaasi , Poundarikapuram Bruhaspathi VaradachAr swamy was born on this day .He set up the trust for performing Thirumanjanam to our Kula dhaivam on this day every year by his decendants. In four hour's time ( 1 PM , Sunday , Novemebr 8) the Thirumanjanam for ThiruviNNagarappan will start . My sister is representing me there at the sannidhi of the divya dampathis . On this sObhana muhUrtham , I hasten to offer unto His lotus feet this Thirumanjanak Kattiyam from this distance and seek His blessings for one and all !May we have the good fortune to read this Thirumanjanak Kattiyam by the sannidhi adhyApaakam SwamigaL in person during the forthcoming Kaisika DwAdasi Thotti Thirumanjanam for the Uthsavar, Ponnappan and His divine consort, BhUmi DEvi . Subhamasthu , KrishNArpaNam .
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