nAcciyAr tirumozhi IV-kUDal izhaittal 4.9
From the Bhakti List Archives
Kalyani Krishnamachari • Sat Nov 07 1998 - 04:45:04 PST
SrI: SrI ANDAL samEta SrI rangamannAr tiruvaDigaLE SaraNam nAcciyAr tirumozhi IV-kUDal izhaittal pASuram 4.9 (fourth tirumozhi - pAsuram 9 koNDa kOlam) A. Translation from SrImAn SaDagOpan's tamizh treatise: In this pASuram, ANDAL recalls the vAmanAvatAra incident. BhagavAn came as vAmana in the form of a brahmacAri wearing the sacred thread, deerskin, pavitram and tanDu (stick), to the great yAga bhUmi of mahAbali. He got 3 feet of land as a charity from mahAbali, and measured with His one foot the higher worlds, and with another the lands below. ANDAL appeals to kUDal to give a good omen to her signifying that this trivikraman will be united with her. koNDa kOlam kuRaL uruvAic cenRu paNDu mAvali tan peru vELviyil aNDamum nilanum aDi onRinAl koNDavan varil kUDiDu kUDalE B. Some additional thoughts: aDi onRinAl: SrI PVP translates this to mean "ovvOr aDiyAlE" - in other words, one foot for upper worlds and one for lower worlds. SrI PBA explicitly says that "aDi onRinAl" should be taken to mean "aDi ov-vonRinAl". SrI PVP also has the anubhavam that He is more beautiful when He appears as vAmana than when He is in SrIvaikuNTham. In fact, may be this is how godai felt, and this is why she is singing about vAmana here. In vAmana incarnation bhagavAn asked for, and got three feet of land. This is referred to in "trINi padA vicakramE" - yajurvEda 2-4-51 (He pervaded all the worlds with 3 measures of His feet) and periyAzhvAr's prabandham - "mUnRadi nimirttu" (periyAzhvAr tirumozhi 4-7-10). However, ANDAL is referring to only two, not three measures - aNDAmum nilanum. This raises the interesting question as to why ANDAL talks of only two dimensions. SrI PVP explains this by pointing us to SrI jIyar's words recalling SrI BhaTTar's aruLicceyal on this question. SrI BhaTTar quotes the yajurveda (2.8.16) in this context: "paro mAtryA tanuvA vr*dhAna | na tE mahitvamanvaSnuvanti | ubhE tE vidma rajasI pr*thivyA: | vishNo dEva tvam paramsya vitsE |" (Oh great vishNu! You took a big form; but, nobody was able to understand your greatness; we all know the two feet with which you measured the upper worlds and the lower worlds including the earth; but the third dimension of your great Self, You alone know its limits". The reference here is that bhagavAn's greatness (his paratvam, sauSIlyam, soulabhyam, vAtsalyam, etc.) - His third dimension - cannot be understood by anyone other than Himself. So it looks like ANDAL stops with describing the two dimensions that we can all comprehend. peru-vELvi - The yAga by mahAbali could by itself deserve to be considered great, but what made it truly great was that bhagavAn blessed it by His personal appearance. This is what made it "peru" vELvi. koNDavan - The anubhavam here is that we are all His belongings, and He was not going to let anyone own His belongings, and will get them back by hook or crook. In this case He came as a dwarf brAhmaNa and "got" it all back from bali. sarvam SrIman nArAyaNAyEti samarpayAmi. adiyEn, Kalyani Krishnamachari
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