ThiruviNNagarappan Thirumanjanak Kattiyam : Part 3
From the Bhakti List Archives
Sadagopan • Sat Nov 07 1998 - 06:26:34 PST
Sri Oppiliappan Thirumanjanak Kattiyam (Continued ) *************************************************** 9. SvAmi SvasEsham Svavasam SvabharathvEna nirbharam I Svadhattha SvadhiyA SvArTham Svasmin nyasyasi mAm Svayam II ( This slOkam is one of the most important slOkam of SWami Desikan's NyAsa Dasakam , where he performed SaraNAgathi at the lotus feet of Our PerumAL standing as archA on top of Hasthigiri .We recite it regularly to remind of the Sesha-Seshi relationship that cna not ever be cut asunder between us and the Master , our Lord . This uRavu is " ozhikka OzhiyAthu " as Bhumi Piratti pointed out in Her THiruppaavai paasuram .This is the uRavu that ANDAL's father , PeriyAzhwAr , referred to in his ThiruppallANdu paasuram : " Yenthai tanthai tanthai tanthai tamm mUtthappan yEzhpaDik kaal thoDangi vanthu vazhi vazhi aatc cheyhinROm " Swami Desikan instructs us here about Saathvika ThyAgam constituted by its three parts (viz)., Karthruthva thyAgam, MamathA thyAgam and Phala thyAgam , in this most important slOkam . The gist of the meaning of this slOkam is as follows : Sriman NaarayaNan is the Lord of us all . I am his bonded servant . I stay totally at His command . He gave me Himself this jn~Anam about my status and eternal relationship . With the blessings of this jn~Anam , He has made sure that I understand that there is nothing else for me to do for my protection and has accepted total responsibility for my protection . The fruits arising out of my protection also belongs to Him . He has made sure that I am not connected with that fruit of that rakshaNam and has now placed me at His own lotus feet and releived me of all responsibilities and concerns. 10. naNNalariya pirAnE NaaraNA neerAda Vaaraai vaaitha puhazh MaNivaNNA manjanamAda nee vaarAi vaNNam azhahiya namBee manjanamAda vaarAi mANikkamE yenn maNiyE manjanmAda vaarAi The above four lines are from PeriiyAzhwAr's NeerAttam paasuram that we recite during the Lord's Thirumanjanam . Here PeriyAzhwAr transforms Himself into YashOdhA piratti , the anxious mother chasing the Aayar kulak kozhundhu and persuading her dear son to stand still so that she can enjoy bathing Him . The meaning of these four lines assembled here are : Oh, My NaarAyaNA !Oh Lord who is not easy to approach normally ! Please come hither for Your enjoyable bath . Oh Lord with gem-bedecked aabharaNams ! Oh Lord with the hue of blue sapphire ! Oh Lord of fixed glory ! Please come near to take Your sacred bath . Oh Lord with the ThirumEni celebrated for its unparalleled soundharyam ! Please come over here to permit me to bathe You. Oh my cherished red ruby ! my dear gem of a son ! Please do not run away . Come now and come here so that I can perform Thirumnajanam for You . 11. ninRa marAmaram saaytthAi nee piRantha ThiruvONam inRu, nee neerAdavEndum EmpirAn OdAthE vaarAi nin thiratthEnallEn namBee nee piRantha ThirunannAL nanRu nee neeradavENdum NaaraNA OdAthE vaarAi These portions of the Neeraattam paasurams from periyAzhwAr remind YasOdhA Bhaagyam that it is His birthday , when SravaNa nakshathram is in ascendance and it is essential that He should receive His visEsha Thirumanjanam on this special day . YasOdhA appeals to her quick-footed son not to run away from her . She concedes that she does not fully comprehend His glories as SarvEsvaran , who felled the YamaLArjunams ( the twin marutham trees in her garden ) and performed many adhbhuthams as Her son in gOkulam as an infant . (To be Continued ) Oppiliappan Koil Varadachari Sadagopan
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