Re: Digest bhakti.v003.n146
From the Bhakti List Archives
Sriram Kaushik • Fri Nov 06 1998 - 12:20:41 PST
Dear BhAgwathas, Adiyen Sriram Kaushik bows to the learned ones. It was indeed a great collection and presentation of the Sri Villiputtur Temple by Sri V S Iyengar. No words ofcourse to explain the beauty of the Lord and in his attires along with Sri Devi and Bhoomadevi. As they say, " two eyes are not enough to see the beauty of the Lord and one mouth is not enough to praise the beauty of the Lord " Neatly compiled and presented by Sri V S Iyengar.. I bow to you for having given an oppurtunity to bhaktas like me to have a nice Darshanam of the Lord. Coming to the discussion put forth on the topic of Mother not getting the imp. sthaana in the various stages of any custom.. I fully agree with Radhika. Though its again not supporting the feminist movement as put forth by her, its the stand that our people have taken in the name of Custom and Tradition. Even though we worship Mother as the Goddess of literally everythign you name, Shakti, Vidhya, Money, Power,, you name it You worship the Goddess of that form, but when it comes to the actual practices, woman is just like a 'sahadharmini', whose presence is a must for all functions ... but doesnt have the important say in anything !! Its just a thought from a humble bhakta !!!.. In case I have hurt anybodys sentiments or feelings, I may be pardoned as the intention is not to hurt anyone but to express the view point. DAsan, Kaushik
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