nAcciyAr tirumozhi IV-kUDal izhaittal 4,8

From the Bhakti List Archives

• Wed Nov 04 1998 - 21:38:47 PST

      SrI ANDAL samEta SrI rangamannAr tiruvaDigaLE SaraNam

             nAcciyAr tirumozhi IV-kUDal izhaittal
      pASuram 4.8 (fourth tirumozhi - pAsuram 8 Aval anbu uDaiyAr)

A. Translation from SrImAn SaDagOpan's tamizh treatise:

In this pASuram ANDAL recalls Lord kr*shNa's  towards His 
devotees.  kaNNan resides in the hearts of people who long to 
reach Him and who love Him intensely, and He does not belong 
anywhere else.  He is the Lord of dvAraka, which is surrounded 
by fragrant gardens.  He is the  perumAn who appeared in 
Ayarkulam with great delight and played with the cows and calves. 
She prays to kUDal to give her a good omen if that kaNNan 
will come and get her.  

Aval anbu uDaiyAr tam manattu anRi
 mEvalan virai SUzh tuvarApatik
kAvalan  kanRu mEyttu viLaiyADum 
kOvalan varil kUDiDu kUDalE

B. Some additional thoughts:

Aval : SrI PVP elaborates on this Aval and gives ANDAL's 
activities as examples -  people who know that they have bhagavAn's 
kaTAksham still undertaking activities to please Him, such as 
doing nOnbu, worshiping kAman, drawing ciRRil, bathing very 
early in the morning, doing kuDal etc.  

anbu:  In elaborating on this, SrI PVP gives the examples of  
periAzhvAr singing "pallANDu", and also praying to the 
pa~ncAyudha's etc.  not to lose their guard (even though 
they never sleep) and keep their eyes open to take care 
of bhagavAn ("uRagal, uRagal, uRagal" - periyAzhvAr tirumozhi
5-2-9).  kaNNan will reside in only in the hearts of people like 
her kuDi (lineage).

virai SUzh tuvarApati:  SrI PVP reminds us that  kr*shNa 
brought the exquisite, out-of-the-world, wonderful-smelling 
pArijAtam from dEvalokam for satyabhAmA, thereby enhancing the 
smell that dvArakA already had. "maTTERu kaRpakattai mAdarkkAi 
vaNDu varai naTTAn" - periya tirumozhi (6-8-7).

kanRu mEittu viLaiyADum: 

balarAman and kaNNan, who are the creators and sustainers of 
the whole world, have become cowherds - because of their sauSIlyam 
"sarvasya jagata: pAlau vatsapAlO babhUvatu: " (SrI PVP).

kAvalan - kOvalan: SrI PBA points out that kAvalan refers to 
His paratvam and kOvalan refers to His soulabhyam.

sarvam SrIman nArAyaNAyEti samarpayAmi.

Kalyani Krishnamachari