Reflections of an Ekadasi Friday at ThiruveLLUr : Part 2

From the Bhakti List Archives

• Tue Nov 03 1998 - 16:34:21 PST

Dear BhakthAs :

The Anandaanubhavams of the sevai of Sri Kanakavalli
(Vasumathi)Sametha Sri Veeraraghavan of ThiruveLLUr during 
their Thirumanjana Uthsavam fill my heart with great joy .

The sampradhAyic way of performing Thirumanjanam for 
the divya dampathis here with the recitation of Thirumanjana
Kattiyam has been preserved meticulously by the Azhagiyasnghars ,
Paramaparai dharma karthAs of this ancient temple .

The sacred feet of many Azhagiya Singhars have adorned 
the Thiruveethis of ThiruveLLUr .Many were born here ,
Many carried this divya desa EmperumAn's name or have 
their BrindhAvanams here at ThiruveLLUr .It is no wonder
therfore that the Vaidhika Sri is shining brightly today
at this divya desam .  

As one reflects on these illustrious Acharya paramaparai 
with 45 simhaasanAdhipathis todate , we can not fail to 
be impressed by the fact that NINE out of the 45 chose 
MAHAA DESIKAN out of reverence for the Archaa mUrthy 
of THIRUVELLUR DIVYA DESAM .The 32nd , 33rd , 34th , 35th
and the 42nd AchAryAs have their BrindhAvanams at this
divya desam , which I had the BhAgyam to visit this time . 

The first Azhagiya Singar to carry ThiruveLLUr EmperumAn's 
ThirunAmam was H.H. the 13th Jeeyar , who was crowned 
as the peetAdhipathi in September , 1632 . He served 
MaalOlan for 44 years and one month . His reign was exceeded 
only by Adhi VaNN SatakOpa Jeeyar , who founded the Ahobila 
Matam and performed AarAdhanam for MaalOlan for 59 years
and seven months .The 13th jeeyar was born at ThiruveLLUr and 
belonged to the Vangipuram vamsam that gave us additional 
illustrious AchAryAs later .  

The other Azhagiya Singhars who carried with reverence 
the name of the ThiruveLLUr EmperumAn and adorned the peetam
of Ahobila Matam are :

(2) Fifteenth Pattam (3) Seventeenth Pattam (4) Twentieth
Pattam (5) Twenty Third pattam (6)Twenty Seventh pattam 
(7) Thirty Second  pattam (8)Thirty Seventh Pattam and
(9) Fourty Third pattam .

Many other Azhagiya Singhars , who adorned the peetam
of Ahobila Matam were born in or around the divya desam 
of ThiruveLLUr and as such had great reverence for 
Sri Veeraraghavan of VeekshAraNya KshEthram .For instance ,
the Sixth Azhagiya Singhar , H.H. Shashta ParAnkusa 
Yatheendhra Mahaa Desikan was born in Karalapaakkam ,
a famous agrahAram close to ThiruveLLUr . This is 
the great AchAryA , who settled new agrahaarams
like Injimedu , ThayyAr , Purisai near ThiruveLLUr 
with Ubhaya VedAntha Simhams .These villages housed
stalwarts of Sri Bahgavadh RaamAnuja SiddhAntham .
Some of their descendants adorned the AchArya Peetam 
later .

The Eleventh PeetAdhipathi was born at ThiruveLLUr 
and ascended the Acharya Peetam of Ahobila Matam 
during July 1559. He reigned for nearly 39 years
and blessed his sishya paramparai .

The twelfth pattam Azhagiya singhar belonged to 
the same ThiruveLLUr Vangipuram Vamsam and ruled
for 34 years .

The other Ahobila Matam Azhagiya Singhars , who were
born in villages around ThiruveLLUr are :

H.H.the 15 th Jeeyar ( YesanUr Tattai )
My grandfather belongs to the Tattai Vamsam
and settled later at Poundarikapuram and moved on 
to Oppiliappan Koil afterwards .

H.H. the 17th Jeeyar born at SohatthUr 
H.H. the 18th Jeeyar born at ThiruveLLUr (Veeravalli Vamsam )
H.H. the 20th Jeeyar at PiLLaippAkkam of Tattai Vamsam
H.H. the 21st Jeeyar at ThyaaRu of Vangipuram Vamsam
H.H. the 34th Jeeyar ( Atthipattu Azhagiya Singhar)
H.H. the 37th Jeeyar ( PiLLaippAkkam Azhagiya Singhar)
H.H. the 42nd Jeeyar ( Injimedu Azhagiya Singhar)

Other villages that blessed us with other Azhagiya Singhars
like ParanthUr , KaLatthUr , Parutthippattu also are not
too far from ThiruveLLUr-Kanchipuram arc .

It was a blessing to spend the EkAdasi-Friday ( Oct 16)
of BhaudhAnya PurattAsi at the sacred feet of the Divya
Dampathis of ThiruveLLUr , witness their Thirumanjanam
and have their MahA prasadhams .

It is a blessing for many of us to have taken part
in the Mahaa SamprOkshaNam of the Divya Dampathis
during July of this Year and contribute towards the
growth of the principal for the Ubhaya Vedanthaa
Trust set up by Sri K.G.K. Swamy to continue without 
interruption the Veda PaarAyaNam and divya Prabhamdham 
recitations during the two BrahmOthsavams at ThriuveLLUr .

Sri Vaumathi sametha Sri Veeraraaghava ParabrahmaNE Nama:
Oppilaippan Koil Varadachari Sadagopan