From the Bhakti List Archives
V. Srimahavishnu • Tue Nov 03 1998 - 08:41:13 PST
dear BhAgavatas, My praNAmams to all of you.Let me write about a book in Telugu I have seen recently.Divya DESa Vaibhava PrakASika is published by Ubhaya VedAnta Sabha,Pentapadu(A.P.).Its original text was written by late U.V.KidAmbi GOpAlakrishNamAchArya SwAmi and it was elaborated later by U.V.SrImAn N.V.L.N.RAmAnujAchArya of Pentapadu.Contents of the book are: 1.DD ashtOttara Sata nAma stOtram 2.DD mangaLASAsana Panchakam by VedAnta DESikan 3.DD stuti 4.DD Vaibhava PrakASika with very rare images of most of the DD PerumALs,route to each DD,names of each DD PerumAL,His Consort,VimAnam of His Koils,important pASurams by ALwArs on each DD PerumAL and many such important details. 5.Details of many non-DDs like VrindAvan,MElkOtai, BhadrAchalam are also given. 6.Vaibhavam of ALwArs. 7.In the appendix,DDs praised by each ALwAr and pASurams by different ALwArs on each DD are listed. 8.ashtOttara Sata Divya DESa stuti by SrImAn P.B.ANNAngarAchArya swAmi. Copies can be had from: ------------------------ Ubhaya Vedanta Sabha, Pentapadu(P.O.), W.G.District(A.P.). PIN 534166 ------------------------
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