nAcciyAr tirumozhi IV-kUDal izhaittal 4.6
From the Bhakti List Archives
Kalyani Krishnamachari • Tue Nov 03 1998 - 00:42:47 PST
SrI: SrI ANDAL samEta SrI rangamannAr tiruvaDigaLE SaraNam nAcciyAr tirumozhi IV-kUDal izhaittal pASuram 4.6 (fourth tirumozhi - pAsuram 6 aRRavan marudam) A. Translation from SrImAn SaDagOpan's tamizh treatise: In this pASuram, ANDAL recalls the leelA of kaNNan when He was a young baby ("taLLit taLar naDai ittu iLam piLLaiyAi") and pulled the mortar with Him and went through two maruDam trees and felled them. Later when He grew up to be a young boy, he killed kamsan - tarikkilAnAgit tAn tIngu ninainda, karuttaip pizhaippittu kanjan vayiRRil neruppenna ninRa neDumAl, as godai refers to the incident in tiruppAvai. She prays to kUDal to give her a good omen if that kaNNan will come and get her. aRRavan marudam muRiya naDai kaRRavan ka~njanai va~njanaiyil ceRRavan tigazhum maduraippaTik koRRavan varil kUDiDu kUDalE B. Some additional thoughts: aRRavan: The interpretation given here is that ANDAL considers it unquestionable that He is for her and no one else - ERkkanavE enakku enRu aRRut tIrndavanAI); ERkkanavE "ANDALukkAnavan ivan" ennum paDi aRRut tIrndavan. This is SrI PVP's interpretation, and also stressed by SrI PBA. SrI PBA gives a possible alternate reading of the pASuram - aRRa val marudam muRiya - One who made sure that the maruda trees which had taken shape only for the purpose of killing Him were destroyed; but he adds that this is not interesting and is not supported by ancestors' vyAkhyAna. We can learn from this kind of respect to ancestors and pUrvAcArya-s which a great AcArya like SrI PBA demonstrates. Another interpretation given for aRRavan is by SrI T.S. rAjagopAlan, who gives the meaning that bhagavAn has dedicated Himself for His devotees - "un aDiyArkku en Seyvan enRE irutti nI". naDai kaRRavan: SrI PVP refers us to "yamaLArjunayOr madhyE jagAma kamalEkshaNa: (vishNu purANam), which refers to this incident. SrI T.S. rAjagopAlan gives refernce to tirumangai AzhvAr - "iNai marudiRRu vIzha naDai kaRRa teRRal". It is at such a young age of Lord kr*shNa that it appears He is just learning to walk as He is dragging the mortar through the gap between the trees. koRRavan: SrI PVP adds that even though kr*shNa made ugraSenA the king of mathurA, godai wants to think of kaNNan alone as the king of mathura. SrI rAjagopAna quotes ANDAL's reference to "maturaiyAr mannan" later in nAcciAr tirumozhi, in vAranamAyiram. sarvam SrIman nArAyaNAyEti samarpayAmi. adiyEn, Kalyani Krishnamachari
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